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Facade Design & Technology for Fire Safety in Buildings

Shahzad shafique
Facade Design & Technology for Fire Safety in Buildings

The technology for testing the materials have always been the same fundamentally but changed in terms of digitalisation. There are digital equipment’s available to find out the glass properties and the thickness including the distortion levels today and there is a higher level of accuracy in the findings, but calibration of the testing equipment plays a major role in the accuracy of the test results.Facade safety in India is a highly ignored subject and requires serious thought. Facade safety starts at the concept design stage right from the drawing board where the technical specification of materials such as glass, stone etc. should be finalized.Testing Procedures for Glass/Aluminium/Other Façades and Fenestration

There are various methods to test the different glass and fenestration for the building. All these materials are never tested independently for a project. The performance testing is limited to the maximum module and the design parameters which govern the particular location. The testing should also include the aluminium system and the glass with other accessories like brackets, tie back buttons, aluminium sunshade, operable window, etc.The major concerns which we have observed basis our experience could be bifurcated based on the life safety in buildings. The issues boil down to the material specification and the cost optimisation activities which are undertaken in every project during the Value engineering process. We would suggest that this needs to be vetted by a façade consultant who is qualified to understand the material specifications and give the right recommendations.Secondly we have heard of multiple structural failures due to inadequate design by inexperienced façade contractors. Leakages and noise pollution is an easier problem to solve, but could be avoided by qualifying the right façade contractor and ensuring the project receives the right attention by the core team.


Shahzad shafique
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