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What Are Safety Signs And What Do They Do?

Bettina Cabana
What Are Safety Signs And What Do They Do?

Safety signs are important components of a safety program that are designed to alert people to hazardous areas, materials, and situations. The signs act as a visual warning to workers and visitors of the potential dangers in an area. The purpose of these signs is to help protect people from the potential for injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.

Safety signs are usually posted on or around equipment, walkways, and other areas of the workplace. They can be in the form of signs, symbols, flags, or labels. The most common safety signs include danger signs, warning signs, caution signs, notice signs, mandatory signs, and safety labels.

The safety signs Australia must be clearly visible and legible from a reasonable distance so that they can be easily seen from any point. All safety signs must be in line with current health and safety laws and regulations. In Australia, all safety signs must comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Signs (AS/NZS 1319:1994).

Types of Safety Signs:

Safety signs can be divided into different categories. These include danger signs, warning signs, caution signs, notice signs, and mandatory signs.

Danger Signs:

These signs are used to indicate hazardous areas with imminent danger, such as high-voltage areas. These signs must be clearly visible and must include the danger symbol (an orange triangle with an exclamation mark inside).

Warning Signs:

These signs are used to alert people to potential hazards, such as toxic materials, high-voltage equipment, and machinery with moving parts. These signs can be either blue or yellow and must include the warning symbol (a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside).

Caution Signs:

These signs are used to alert people to the presence of potential hazards, such as slippery surfaces, open flames, and hazardous chemicals. These signs can be either orange or yellow and must include the caution symbol (a yellow triangle with a question mark inside).

Notice Signs:

These signs are used to provide information about safety requirements and should not be used to identify hazardous areas. These signs can be either green or blue and must include the notice symbol (a blue circle with an exclamation mark inside).

Mandatory Signs:

These signs are used to indicate the required safety equipment or clothing to be used in a particular area and should be posted near the entrance to the area. These signs must be clearly visible and must include the mandatory symbol (a blue circle with a white arrow inside).

Safety Labels:

Safety labels are an important part of a safety program. They are used to provide additional information about products, equipment, and areas. Safety labels must be clearly visible and legible and should include information such as hazardous materials, high voltage, flammable materials, and other warning symbols.

Benefits of Safety Signs:

Safety signs play an important role in ensuring a safe working environment. They are a visible reminder to workers and visitors of the potential dangers in a workplace. They also help remind workers to take the necessary precautions to reduce their risks.

Safety signs can also help to reduce the risks of accidents for workers and visitors. By reminding people of the potential hazards in an area, they can take the time to assess the risk and take the necessary preventative measures to mitigate the risk.

Finally, safety signs can help to reduce potential liability for companies. If a worker or visitor is injured due to a hazard, they may be able to sue a company for damages if there were no safety signs in place and they were unaware of the potential danger.


Safety signs Australia are an important component of a safety program and are designed to alert people to hazardous areas, materials, and situations. The most common safety signs include danger signs, warning signs, caution signs, notice signs, mandatory signs, and safety labels. Safety signs must be clearly visible and legible and must comply with current health and safety laws and regulations. Safety signs provide a visible reminder to workers and visitors of the potential hazards in an area and can also help to reduce the risk of accidents and potential liability for companies.

Bettina Cabana
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