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Make Yummy Green Chia Smoothie Using KitchenAid Diamond Blender

Kanika Katyal
Make Yummy Green Chia Smoothie Using KitchenAid Diamond Blender

Daily exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep are some of the essentials for a happy and fulfilling life. Ironically, not everyone is able to adopt a healthy lifestyle, as they believe that healthy food is tasteless, and often requires a lot of time and effort in preparation, which couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, you can try different yummy healthy recipes at home, made easily using the KitchenAid Diamond Blender. Buy a blender online today and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Continue reading as we present a yummy green chia smoothie recipe that you can prepare with ease using the KitchenAid Diamond Blender.


  • 2 tablespoon chia seeds - The hero ingredient, chia seeds are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that ensure good bone, heart, and liver health. Merely two tablespoons of chia seeds daily can supply essential nutrients to your body and help in preventing aging and cancer. 

  • 1 cup freshly diced pineapple - It contains necessary nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants to fight against inflammation and improve digestion, and immunity. It is also known to help reduce the symptoms of arthritis and facilitate faster recovery from surgery. 

  • 2 peeled and sliced kiwi - It’s a fruit filled with essential nutrients, enzymes, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that are good for skin and vision. It also helps in aiding weight loss, controlling symptoms of asthma, preventing blood clotting, and minimizing DNA damage. 

  • 1 peeled avocado - Like other fruits avocado is also an excellent source of nutrients that can help in promoting a healthy body weight.

  • ½ cup orange juice - It is a great source of vitamins and calcium and can help prevent kidney stones by increasing the pH of the urine.

  • 6 ounces plain greek yogurt - It is a great source of calcium that supports bone health. Its probiotic content helps in maintaining healthy bacteria in the gut. 

  • 2 tablespoon mint - Adding some mint to your recipe can provide numerous health benefits such as reducing bowel irritation, improving brain function, and treating bad breath and cold symptoms. 

  • ¼ cup ice  


Making a green chia smoothie with KitchenAid Diamond blender is a two-step process. First, add the cut pineapple, avocado, mint, orange juice, yogurt, kiwi, and ice in the diamond blender jar and liquefy at speed setting 5 for 1 minute. In the second step, add the chia seeds into the mixture and process it 2-3 times at the pulse setting to achieve a smooth and thick texture. Serve and enjoy a healthy recipe with minimum effort. 


Each ingredient of the green chia smoothie recipe offers health benefits, making it a healthy and filling breakfast or dinner option. You can make numerous other healthy recipes using the KitchenAid Diamond blender. It comes with 4 speed+ Pulse mode. You can crush ice in it too. If you don’t already have the KitchenAid Diamond Blender or are looking for a new blender, invest in your health and buy a KitchenAid blender online. KitchenAid’s range of kitchen blenders including countertop and portable blenders offer ultimate blending performance and stylish looks!



Kanika Katyal
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