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Hospital Beds Market To Surpass US$ 6,763.7 MN By 2030

Pooja salve
Hospital Beds Market To Surpass US$ 6,763.7 MN By 2030

Covid-19 Impact Analysis:

The covid-19 outbreak had led to the negative impact on the growth of the global Hospital Beds Market due to rising number of covid-19 cases and patients occupying the bed which led to the shortage of beds for people with normal health issues and also the restrictions and imposition of lockdowns due to which people stopped travelling from one place to another. 

Among regions, North America, Asia Pacific and Europe anticipated to witness robust growth in the global Hospital Beds Market due to spending in the hospital organizations, rising elderly population and rising healthcare infrastructure. For instance, as per ACL the number of people above 65 years and old is 54.1 million as of 2019 which accounts for 16% of the total population.


The Hospital Beds Market expansion can be primarily due to the ageing population, technological improvements, and increased chronic disease prevalence. Moreover, the main causes of death and disability worldwide are chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Positive effects for the hospital bed sector have been seen as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. The main cause of the rising need for these Hospital Beds Market is the expanding population of COVID-19 patients around the world. In addition, businesses are introducing new items to suit the need on a global scale. For instance, the Stryker Corporation released emergency relief beds in April 2020 to help hospitals that were in need of beds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

General, birthing, pediatric, bariatric, pressure relief, and other beds are the several types of hospital beds available on the market. In 2019 the general category had the most market share, and over the forecast period it is expected to increase at the fastest rate. Regular hospital beds, which are mostly used by carers and general personnel in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other medical institutions, are reasonably priced and substantially less expensive than other speciality hospital beds, such as bariatric and pediatric beds.

Read More- https://cmi-latestreportorientedblogs.blogspot.com/2023/02/rising-prevalence-of-chronic-diseases.html

Pooja salve
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