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Mahindra 575 Price in India - Tractorgyan

Mahindra 575 Price in India - Tractorgyan

A mid-sized agricultural workhorse, the Mahindra 575 tractor is built by Mahindra, an Indian firm that makes tractors and other farming machinery. This kind is promoted as an inexpensive and dependable tractor for hobbyists and small-scale farmers. A 4-cylinder, 38-horsepower diesel engine with liquid cooling powers the 575. It contains a driven system for implements, a 3-point hitch that can hold a range of tools, and a hydrostatic transmission. For safety, the 575 has a retractable roll bar, a cozy operator's station, and an ergonomic design. It has a number of amenities, including power steering, a differential lock, and a rear-mounted work light. The 575 tractor has excellent dependability, effectiveness, and usability. It's the best option for amateurs and small-scale producers. It can do a wide range of jobs in addition to tilling, harvesting, and hauling equipment.

Any work is ideal for the tough and dependable Mahindra 575 tractor. This tractor has a 4-wheel drive system that can tackle rough terrain and a 25-horsepower, 3-cylinder diesel engine. It can raise up to 1,500 pounds and has a hydrostatic gearbox with three forward and three reverse speeds.

The Mahindra 575 is perfect for a variety of tasks thanks to a number of characteristics. It has a differential lock to provide you more grip in slick circumstances, as well as power steering that makes maneuvering it simple. For increased safety, the tractor also includes a foldable ROPS.

Fields, hills, and other types of terrain are all accommodated by the Mahindra 575. You can transport, lift, and move heavy loads with it thanks to its front-end loader and strong-duty frame. The tractor also has a hydraulic transmission and optional turf tires, which make it easy to handle in confined spaces.

For any task you need to complete, the Mahindra 575 is a fantastic option and is ideal for farmers and landscapers. It is a trustworthy and functional tractor that will do the job.

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