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7 Reasons Why Building Signs are the Best Way to Advertise Your Brand

Igna Signs & Graphics
7 Reasons Why Building Signs are the Best Way to Advertise Your Brand
  1. Stay Top-of-Mind

Consumers are bombarded with hundreds of advertisements each day. Therefore, one major challenge for entrepreneurs is to make sure that their business signs leave a lasting impact, even at a moment’s glance. The good news is that Igna Signs & Graphics is here to create visual communication solutions that promote brand reinforcement. In doing so, patrons and leads are more likely to remember your brand when a need to purchase a product or service arises.

2. Highlight Your Best and Most Unique Qualities

Custom building signs are meticulously designed, fabricated, and installed to put your brand’s best forward. Whether you are known for having the “best burgers in town” or being the “#1 pet grooming salon”, our team will make sure to spotlight that on your exterior signs.

3. Advertise What Your Business Has to Offer

What can you provide customers, and what makes them stand out from others? Commercial building signs are fantastic advertising tools to increase sales and convert new leads. It doesn’t have to be limited to what’s new or what the company is most known for. Our team can also spotlight certain unpopular items or services so that people will get a sense of why they are worth buying.

4. Announce Special Promotions with Building Signs

Whether it is a 20% anniversary discount or a clearance sale of last season’s items, building storefront signs are perfect avenues to inform your target audience. We can even use color psychology and marketing strategies to influence the purchase behavior of your customers.

5. Connect with Customers Regardless of the Time or Weather Condition

Igna Signs & Graphics creates illuminated signs to ensure that your message gets seen all day long. We use a high-quality LED that shines brighter and lasts longer than its counterparts. Plus, it consumes less electricity as well. 

6. Commercial Building Signs to Increase Foot Traffic

More people in the establishment means more opportunities to make a sale. Thus, your signs must invite them to come inside. For example, our team can create a high-resolution window wrap of your delectable pastries. This will pique the interest of passersby and entice them to take a closer look at your menu items.

7. Building Signs are Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions

With the right sign company, your signs can last for many years despite repeated exposure to rain, sunlight, snow, and strong winds. You will be able to make the most of your marketing budget and worry less about frequent repair or replacement costs.

Where Can I Get Custom Building Signs in Elgin, IL?

Igna Signs & Graphics is the #1 supplier of visual marketing tools for buildings. Our mission is to create solutions with a fast ROI and generate long-term, profitable results. We make sure to utilize top-of-the-line materials that are resistant to damage caused by inclement weather, pollution, and other outdoor causes.

Get in touch with us today!

Source: https://ignasigns.com/7-reasons-why-building-signs-are-the-best-way-to-advertise-your-brand/

Igna Signs & Graphics
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