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How to convert from Quicken to QuickBooks desktop?


Want to convert from Quicken to QuickBooks? Well, it is possible without losing the data and essential information simply with the help of the QuickBooks conversion tool. The QuickBooks conversion tool can help users in converting the company file from any other program. It should be noted that this tool doesn’t make any compromises with data security. If you are a Quicken 2017 user and wish to convert it into QuickBooks desktop pro premier 2018/or any other version of QuickBooks, then it is possible via the conversion tool. To learn the steps involved in converting from Quicken to QuickBooks using the conversion tool, make sure to read this post carefully. Or you can also connect with us at +1(844)405-0907 and we will provide you with instant support services.

Steps to convert from Quicken to QuickBooks using the conversion tool 

The below-stated set of steps can help the user in successfully converting from one software to another.

  • The very first step is to double-click the Conversion tool application and then opens it. 
  • Now, choose one of the following- my own company or my client company.
  • Go for the accounting software from the drop-down box from which the user wants to convert.
  • And then, hit the next option. 
  • Choose the company file and then hit next. 
  • Go for the QuickBooks product and then opt for where the company file is saved. 
  • Hit next to continue. 
  • Go for the conversion level as per the list and transaction or list only. 
  • Click on next. 
  • Click on the accounting preferences option as per the date and time, and then again hit next. 
  • Check the details and then check for any kind of errors. 
  • Click on start option. 
  • Note that the process might take some time to complete, which depends on the file size. 
  • Click on the finish option to end the process.

Now that you know the steps to convert from quicken to QuickBooks successfully, it is time to implement those steps and start using QuickBooks successfully. However, if there is any query or if the user requires our assistance at some point in time, then in that case contacting our QuickBooks tech support team at +1(844)405-0907 is recommended. We are a team of certified QuickBooks professionals who work round the clock in providing instant support services. 

You may also see: Setup Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks?

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