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The Questions to Ask Before Joining a Gym

Lakeshore Sport & Fitness
The Questions to Ask Before Joining a Gym

Not every gym is made equally. Do your homework before committing to a facility of gyms in Lincoln Park, Chicago, and here are some questions you need to address so that your quest for the top gyms in Lincoln Park, Chicago, ends well.

What is the Price?

Although it should go without saying, gym memberships are more affordable than ever. It's simple to join when you see a low monthly fee without fully comprehending the costs. Your credit may suffer if you bite off more than you can chew, fail to make your monthly payments, and your account enters collections.

Is There a Monthly Maintenance Charge?

Since the average gym membership price has fallen over time, is there a greater need to make up for lost income? It's typical for gyms to charge their customers an annual "maintenance fee."

Does Insurance Cover the Gym?

During peak times, a gym can resemble a vast room filled with individuals going through every stage of development while surrounded by large, moving items. In other words, it can be risky. Be sure the gym is insured before signing up.

Is There a Good or Poor Reputation for This Gym?

It's simple to get sold on the low price of a gym membership and commit to a one-year contract at the closest treadmill manufacturer. But, one negative experience could cause you to avoid the club, wasting your money. It's best to seek reviews online or at least receive a recommendation from someone who shares your objectives.

How Much Experience Do the Trainers Have?

Gyms can increase their revenue by providing expensive personal training sessions, which use certified personal trainers for whom they pay a small portion of the hourly charge. A single written test, which you must pass and may retake indefinitely, is the only certification requirement. Hence the entry barrier is rather low.

As a result, don't only accept a trainer because your facility recommends them as the right candidate. A trainer should be chosen based on reputation, just like a gym membership.

Do I Need to Agree to a Contract?

Like many other contracts consumers are bound by, gym membership agreements are non-reciprocal. Some gyms have a monthly payment option that isn't contractual, but the monthly fee is typically absurdly high to sway you toward the contractual option. Make sure to inquire about all of your alternatives.

What is the Refund Policy?

If you signed an annual contract, you might be forced to make monthly payments for the entire year or, at the very least, pay a buyout charge. You might have to wait a month or more if your gym contract has expired and you wish to move on because most gym contracts call for notice before canceling.

Furthermore, cancellation procedures may be made purposefully difficult in the hopes that you'll decide it's simpler to keep your membership than to go through the cancellation process. If you decide to tap out, be certain that you are aware of your options.


Ask yourself these and discover and research the best gyms in Lincoln Park, Chicago. And reach out to us for the best facilities. 

Lakeshore Sport & Fitness
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