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The Best And Reliable Accounting Service Provider In Singapore

The Best And Reliable Accounting Service Provider In Singapore

At ZE Global, we understand the importance of sound financial planning and preparation. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of tax planning and preparation services to our clients in Singapore. Our goal is to help you reduce your tax bills, increase cash flow, and achieve your financial objectives.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced tax consultants utilizes the latest tactics to ensure that you are taking full advantage of current and recently amended tax rules. We believe that careful analysis and research are key to maximizing income opportunities and achieving financial success.

As the best tax consultants in Singapore, we provide a wide range of services to our clients. These include tax return preparation and filing for corporations, individuals, sole proprietorships, and partnerships. We also offer corporate and personal tax planning, deferred tax computation preparation, and advice on various tax-related issues.


At ZE Global, we pride ourselves on our ability to meet our clients' needs and exceed their expectations. We have a team of trained accountants and tax agents in Singapore with professional qualifications from organizations such as ACCA, CPA, and CA (Singapore). We stay up to date on changes to relevant standards and laws by attending ISCA and other training organizations' seminars regularly.


Our accounting department is committed to ensuring that our clients' accounts are produced in line with Singapore Financial Reporting Standards. We provide timely reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, general ledgers, debtors and creditors aging, and bank reconciliations to help our clients make informed business decisions.


For companies that meet the audit exemption criteria, our accounting department compiles unaudited financial statements based on accounting records supplied by us or submitted by our clients. Unaudited financial statements provide assurance that the information has been compiled with professional competence and care. They are suitable for income tax filing and ACRA yearly return filing.


Our tax department prepares tax computations and submits tax returns for our clients. We charge flat rates for all of our services, so you can plan ahead and avoid any surprise bills.


At ZE Global, we believe that proactive communication and client relationships are vital. We speak to all of our clients in simple, jargon-free English to avoid confusion.


We provide comprehensive accounting and tax services to startups, SMEs, and multinational corporations in Singapore. Outsourcing your accounting and tax functions to our experienced professionals can save you money while ensuring that your accounting records are accurate and in compliance with IRAS regulations and the Singapore Companies Act.


In today's competitive global environment, it's essential to have a team of experts on your side. At ZE Global, we understand the challenges that businesses face, including fast-changing technology, a poor economic outlook, globalization, and global political instability. Let us help you navigate these challenges and achieve financial success.


Financial reporting is a critical aspect of any business, and it is essential to prepare accurate and complete financial statements that comply with Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS). The compilation of accounts or reports involves the assembly of unaudited financial statements such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, compilation reports, and compiled financial statements.


In conclusion, financial reporting is a critical aspect of any business, and preparing accurate and complete financial statements that comply with SFRS is essential. While the audit exemption is available to "small companies" and "small groups," it is crucial to ensure that the accounting records are kept accurately and comply with SFRS to avoid financial penalties. Outsourcing accounting services can be a cost-effective solution to manage financial reporting and free up resources to focus on primary tasks that generate cash flows and grow the business.

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