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Virtual Offices: What You Need to Know

Virtual Offices: What You Need to Know

Can You Use a Virtual Office? What Is It and Is It Right For Your Team?

In light of the fact that 8.7 million of those people worked from home at some point during that period, the number jumps to 9.4 million.

Over the past few years, remote working has evolved from being a niche trend among Silicon Valley tech start-ups to being widely accepted across the globe. According to the Office for National Statistics, in the year ending December 2019, there were 1.7 million people working mainly from home in the UK. 

Exactly what is virtual office rental and is it the best option for your business? Check out our complete guide to virtual offices.

Market insights and analysis: The virtual office market size will grow from USD million in 2020 to USD million in 2027 at a CAGR of 20% during the period 2021-2027. It is predicted that the global Virtual Office market will grow at a significant rate between 2021 and 2027. The market is forecast to grow steadily in 2021, as key players adopt new strategies and the market will rise during the projection period.

The Benefits of Virtual Office Addresses

Business owners can benefit from a virtual office address in the following ways:

  1. The above: Home offices and unconventional work spaces are becoming more commonplace, but only for those who aim to attract traditionally-minded corporate clients. 
  2. The address: Virtual office solutions provide businesses with an address in a reputable area code, which can reassure clients that the company is legitimate.
  3. Affordability: Business owners can work remotely from multiple locations, either locally or internationally.
  4. Benefits: Working from home with a virtual office address saves time and money that would otherwise be spent on daily commuting.
  5. Cost-effective: Virtual office space reduce overhead because you don't have to rent physical space, buy equipment and furniture, or hire receptionists

How to Choose the Right Virtual Office

It is often the case that virtual offices are ideal for small business owners, but they can also work well for large companies with many employees working remotely or occasionally from serviced offices.

We can help you find a world-class virtual office provider in the city of your choice if you're looking for a professional virtual business setup. The Virtual Office experts at Instant have a thorough understanding of the market, which means you can expect a quick and effective solution.

Note: Virtual offices are used by start-ups as well as large corporations, who rent a fixed address away from where they do their work. 

Focus Points:

Get a virtual office address or learn about the other types of office space we offer:

1. Coworking spaces 

2.  Shared workspaces

3. Office management

4. Rentals and sublets

Tips: An informal email survey can help you get a better understanding of employee needs and goals, but keep it short! If you limit the quiz to 3-5 key questions, you'll see higher response rates.

     The Advantages of Virtual Offices Include Flexibility and Cost-effectiveness

Flexibility is another key advantage. An online survey from 2019 found that 40% of remote workers consider flexibility to be the greatest benefit of working remotely. Flexibility is followed closely by the ability to work from anywhere. You can have a valuable business address without physically being confined to it with a virtual office solution.

How Can You Find the Right Virtual Office?

You should ensure that you're getting the most out of your investment if you decide to rent a business address. Make sure you select a serviced workplace that fits your needs. 

Consider what other business owners have to say about your chosen virtual office provider. You can also ask around in your network of fellow professionals and take advantage of review sites such as Trustpilot. 

 What the Virtual Office will Look Like in the Future

We have now looked at the benefits of virtual spaces for businesses. During the first few months of 2020, there has been an explosion in the number of people working somewhere other than their regular workplace. This has never happened before.

This means many businesses may not want to pay for expensive serviced offices in the future, but they won't want to lose the prestige of a central city location. As a result, we can expect virtual offices to continue to grow in popularity. 

How to Get a Virtual Office for Your Business

Our business practices have forever changed as a result of remote and flexible working. Globalization makes it even more imperative for every business to be where the money is. That's where virtual offices come in handy. 

This allows you to locate your business in the best locations, remain flexible, and avoid spending a lot of time worrying over expensive and impractical long-term leases. Even office space seems to be moving virtual. 

Final Thoughts

The service will enable you to have a physical address for your professional activity, and you will have all the services needed to work like a company. Additionally, the conference rooms can be used for professional meetings. It is also possible to request technology and equipment when needed. Our virtual office offers all the advantages you need.

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