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Pigmentation Types, Causes and Treatments in Men

Kavya Kumari
Pigmentation Types, Causes and Treatments in Men

Skin darkening, often known as hyperpigmentation, is a word that refers to darker skin.

Indians who live in the tropics typically have darker skin and tanning problems. While we cannot change our genes, we may avoid skin darkening from sun exposure and inflammation by following some simple skin care guidelines. To know the cost of Pigmentation Treatment In Delhi, one can visit Dadu Medical Centre.

What is Pigmentation?

Simply described, skin pigmentation is the discoloration of the skin. Skin is made up of unique cells that create melanin, a natural pigment. Melanin is a skin pigment that gives color to the skin. If these skin cells are sick or injured, the generation of this pigment is affected, resulting in melanin pigmentation. This causes the skin to change color, either completely, as in albinism, or in patches. The patches might be darker or lighter than one’s natural skin tone.

What are the causes of pigmentation?

Pigmentation is caused by the improper synthesis of melanin in skin cells. Melanin absorbs UV radiation from the sun, causing skin tanning and the darkening of pigmented regions. As a result, when exposed to sunlight, black blotches or discolored skin get darker. The following are the most common reasons for unbalanced melanin production:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Sun exposure
  • Acne scars
  • Scars from injuries or surgeries
  • Illness like cancer
  • Certain medication
  • Age or ‘liver’ spots

What are the types of pigmentation in men?

Discoloration of Skin Pigment: Skin discoloration occurs when melanin synthesis in skin cells is either too low or too excessive. The pigment is the skin’s natural color. Skin pigment discoloration causes a variety of problems.


Kavya Kumari
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