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How Much Does an Explainer Video Cost?

Explainer Mojo

 What is the cost of explainer video services? The animated explainer video from a leading animation company, like explainer mojo, ranges from $ 2,500 to $ 30,000 in the market. Marketers who want to become a decent video, but do not have a big budget, then they choose the range of animated video cost range from $3000 to $5000 to spend

On the other hand, marketers who want to get highly branded video content should spend $5000 to $20,000. This is a wide market. Many factors affect the explainer video cost that you can know in this guide.

Breakdown of Explainer Video Cost

Here is the time breakdown to make the explainer video cost.

  • Production – 36 hours
  • Animation and design- 95 hours
  • Sound- 3hours 
  • Voiceover- 4 hours 
  • Scripting- 10 hours 
  • Total- 150 hours 

From the above breakdown, it is determined that animation is time-consuming. The animation explainer video company can only make 2 videos in a month. If there is a high-end animated video, it will be only 1 in a month or less. It means your video is required to pay a big chunk. This is animations.

Effects of Video Length

Video length is an important factor that affects the explainer video cost. The longer video consumes more time to create. For instance, it takes a day of explainer mojo company to animate a 10-second video. 

Even snappy or short videos tend to work better, but still, you should determine whether you require a larger video before getting the explainer video services. 

Remember that extra cost is possible if you want to add sound design and voiceover to your videos. According to the simple thumb rule, you can predict that every 60 seconds of animated video costs 50% of the cost of the first minute. 

Good Design has a Cost

Great video design takes experience, talent, time, and extra money. A good animated video should be made perfect for your brand, not from templates. So, the level of design of animated video impacts its cost.

Are the Animated Video Style Affects Cost?

Yes, the video style also affects the explainer video cost. Here is the list of animated video styles from high to low cost

  • Live action filmed 
  • 3d animation
  • Live-action stock video 
  • 2d animation 
  • Whiteboard animation 

Can you Save Money by not Using Voiceover in an Animated Video 

No, you can not save any cent of money if you do not use voiceover in explainer video services. It is considered a creative decision in an animated video that does not cost too much. Even some people like video style without voiceover, but the best depends on neat animation, editing, and music. 

Can you Save Money by Writing your Own Script for your Video?

Video script writing is an important part of explainer video production. The explainer companies set the explainer video cost by taking the script into account. You can save money by writing the script for your video if you know how to write the script well. If you think that you will better define your product to an audience, then you can write a script for an explainer video by itself and save money. 

Moreover, you can also get the help of freelance animators to save money. A reputable explainer company, like explainer mojo, has experts who do scriptwriting. This is because the client-written scripts cause some issues in animations sometimes. It is not always that clients are bad scriptwriters; they may be good, also. It only depends on the experience of the video, which makes the animations better. 

Other Factors that Affect the Explainer Video Cost

Stock footage or filming adds cost to your video. With filming live action, the more scenes and actors in video increase the cost. If you combine the stock footage in your animated video, then it may cost around $1000 for 60 seconds video.

Tips to Reduce the Explainer Video Cost

There are some tips by experts by which you can reduce the cost of an explainer video. Before taking the explainer video services, ensure to use tips for your video. 

  • Make your video shorter to 60 seconds rather than 120 seconds
  • You can add the scripts, but ensure to keep it simple with simple graphics
  • Use simple photography or an animated style
  • If you choose to film stock video, then reduce the actors or scenes 


An explainer video is a combination of investment and love of the brand. It brings good rewards for your business and is worth the money properly that you spend to get an animated video from explainer Mojo. The animated explainer video pricing varies according to video specifications, like scriptwriting, voiceover, live actions, video style, good design, etc.

Explainer Mojo
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