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What are Cold Wallets? And How Do They Function?

What are Cold Wallets? And How Do They Function?

Cryptocurrencies have become a new mode of value transfer on the internet and making the same disruptions in offline retail with their fast-paced expansion. 

With an increase in the use cases of blockchain tech and crypto tokens, the need to secure your fund has also increased significantly. Cryptocurrencies exist in a digital form, and all your funds could be inaccessible if you lose your seed. 

Multiple methods are used for the safety of your funds and crypto wallets are the top products that ensure high-level security for your funds. Crypto wallets are also the most common method used for storing cryptocurrencies, however, not all crypto wallets are the same. Some crypto wallets are more secure than the rest and some have a clear USP for the user experience.

In this CoinGabbar blog, we will explore cold wallets, their mechanism, and usability, and share a brief guide on how to use your first cold wallet. We will also share some of the things that you should keep in mind before you choose your crypto wallet. 

What are Cold Wallets?

Crypto blockchains are always connected to the internet to ensure that transactions are made possible by validators worldwide. However, your crypto keys do not need to be stored in online storage for you to transact your cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency private keys are the sole access to your entire crypto funds and keeping them online makes them susceptible to all kinds of digital intrusion. 

In online or hot wallets, crypto private keys are stored in cloud storage. Hot wallets are not 100% secure and require a bond of trust between the user and the vendor for the safety of funds. This not only compromises the security of your funds but also defeats the cause of the decentralization of money.

This is where the cold wallets come into the picture. Cold wallets are those digital storage solutions that allow users to store their cryptocurrencies offline. Storing the cryptocurrencies offline will safeguard them against online data breaches and give you complete custody of your assets. This enables extra layers of security against any system loopholes that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to your funds.


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