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lv/mv commissioning | lv/mv comissioning

Binghalib Engineering
 lv/mv commissioning | lv/mv comissioning

Deliver Turnkey Project Solutions – industrial & Infrastructural electro mechanical works, electrical, Control, and Instrumentation. Engineering, Procurement & Construction for Supply, Installation, Termination & Commissioning of LV switchboards & MCCs. Cable joining, lv/mv Commissioning and termination of LV/MV/HV cables. Modification, rectification & maintenance of LV Switchboards, Motor Control Center, relay panels, and PLC panels. Loop checking, calibration and site commissioning of instruments


Proper commissioning will ensure a high standard of operational efficiency and reliability. Btech Switchgear is able to ensure comprehensive commissioning to ensure that the customer gets the most effective use of their system.

Some of our commissioning services include: 

·        Setting up device parameters for motor starters, circuit breakers & feeders 

·        Operational devices for motor starters, circuit breakers & feeders 

·        Serial communication analysis to DCS & SCADA (including Cable Path Binding and Communications Check)

·        Secondary Injection tests and Relay Protection 

·        CT Polarity Tests

·        Function Tests

·        Support for technical competency


Binghalib Engineering is leading manufacturer of LV switchgears in the region from DBs to the most complex intelligent MCCs

·        Build control panels easily and efficiently by using proven components

·        LV control and signalling

·        Power suppliers and transformers

·        Incoming Protection and Switching

·        Circuit and Load Protection

Binghalib Engineering
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