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What To Do When a Pipe Bursts

Tim Gwynn
What To Do When a Pipe Bursts

Burst Pipe Prevention

The best way to avoid the heartache and expense of a burst pipe is prevention. Homeowners need to stay on top of the state of their plumbing and keep an eye out for signs that could lead to trouble. To prevent a pipe from freezing and eventually bursting, look for insulation for their water pipes, especially if the pipes are exposed to icy temperatures. In fact, during very cold winter months, homeowners should make sure to open up the taps at least a little bit every so often, just in case. Additionally, homeowners should also avoid pouring certain chemicals, like kitchen grease or paint, down their garbage disposal, as these can cause blockages in the future.

Pipe Burst Fix

If a pipe has actually burst and caused flooding, the most important thing is to address the matter quickly. For those who have experience and knowledge of plumbing, they can try to deal with the situation themselves. They should first turn off the main water supply, then locate the dripping pipe and open the closest tap to drain out any extra water. Of course, if the homeowner is not experienced, they may wish to call a plumber near me.

Water Damage Prevention

Any repair jobs done on a burst pipe should be monitored carefully and check on a regular basis. This can prevent any further damage as a result of the initially burst pipe. Additionally, with a burst pipe, the possibilities for causing water damage can be high. Therefore, homeowners should be very careful when looking for ways to mitigate damage. Start by unplugging any electrical appliances nearby in case the water comes in contact with those. Be sure to wear non-slip shoes when entering a flooded area. Put up sandbags or towels to block water from going further, or place plastic under carpets and furniture legs. If sewage or waste water has contaminated the area, be sure to wear protective gear like gloves, a mask, and boots.

Finally, when dealing with a burst pipe, the owner should remember to document any damages. This includes taking photos and videos, writing down the make and model of any appliances that were damaged, and saving all receipts related to the repair. This can be essential when making insurance claims or seeking reimbursement.

Tim Gwynn
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