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Kitchen drawer types that you should consider

Sheetal Rana

A kitchen drawer is a simple but necessary feature of any Indian kitchen. It's a small compartment where we keep our cutlery and other kitchen necessities. It's critical to keep our kitchen organised and clutter-free. This small compartment has been a part of our daily lives for as long as anyone can remember. We keep our cutlery, utensils, and other miscellaneous items that we require daily.

Components of kitchen drawers

The kitchen drawer is a necessary component of any modern kitchen. It serves as a convenient and efficient storage solution. What makes a kitchen drawer run smoothly and efficiently? It is made up of several key components, such as drawer runners, channels, and slides.

Drawer runners are small but important parts of the drawer. They help the drawer to slide smoothly in and out of the channel. They are an important factor in the design and functionality of a kitchen. They are made of high-quality materials and engineered to fit perfectly within the channel.

Channels are another important component of a kitchen drawer. They provide the groove or track that allows the drawer to slide in and out easily. Even when the drawer is heavily loaded, a well-designed channel ensures that it glides smoothly.

Drawer slides are an additional important component of a kitchen drawer, as they provide the mechanism that allows the drawer to open and close smoothly. Drawer slides come in various styles, including ball bearing slides, epoxy slides, and roller slides.

Types of Kitchen Drawers and Where Is It Suitable

In modern kitchens, kitchen drawers are becoming a more popular storage solution. With the growing demand for space-efficient and organised kitchens, kitchen drawers have emerged as a practical and efficient storage solution that can significantly improve the functionality and appearance of your kitchen.

So, here are some different types of kitchen drawers that you should consider.

  • Corner Drawers

In an L-shaped kitchen, the corners are hard to utilise, leading to the wastage of potential storage space. However, with a corner drawer, you can utilise the corners optimally to create additional storage space for your utensils and other kitchen essentials.

  • Pegged Dish Drawers

If you are someone who loves to use and collect glass or delicate bone china plates, the struggle to store them is relatable. Pegged Dish Drawers are designed in a specific way to hold plates in a specific position with firm wooden pegs to prevent them from moving around when you open or close the drawer. This prevents any damage to your cherished collection of plates.

  • Utensil Drawers

Utensil drawers are special drawers with built-in partitions to allow users to store different kitchen utensils. This type of drawer prevents cluttering kitchen counters and storing utensils in specific sections. Some utensil drawers are even adjustable, allowing you to change the sizes of each section.

  • Soft Close Drawers

If you have children, you will surely relate to the constant worry about them injuring their fingers on drawers. Soft-close drawers have a hydraulic mechanism that prevents the drawer from shutting rapidly.

  • Slim Drawers

Slim drawers are still rare in Indian kitchens. However, they are one of the aptest drawer designs for Indian kitchens, which store many spices, jams, and other bottles. Slim drawers are mostly used as spice racks in the kitchen. They have a minimalistic design and are very convenient.

Advantages and uses of Kitchen Drawers

Because of their numerous benefits and applications, kitchen drawers have become essential to modern kitchens. They provide a space-saving storage solution, allowing you to maximise your kitchen storage space while remaining organised. In addition, kitchen drawers, in comparison to traditional cabinets, which often have a single large compartment, allow you to separate and organise items based on their use, making it easier to find what you need quickly.

The advantage of kitchen drawers is their ease of installation and maintenance. Most drawers come with easy-to-install drawer runners or slides, and the drawers themselves are simple to remove and clean, making maintenance a breeze.

Kitchen drawers are a practical storage solution that can significantly improve the functionality and appearance of your kitchen. They add style and sophistication to your kitchen. They even provide useful storage for your kitchen essentials.

Sheetal Rana
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