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SEO tips to get your local business found online

SEO Resellers Canada
SEO tips to get your local business found online

Want to learn how to do SEO right, consult a local SEO expert. Google algorithms have changed, now more than 70% of the search queries show location based results. If you want your business to be found online, make sure you are focusing on location based SEO campaigns. In today’s post, we will discuss some useful local SEO tips that can help in increasing foot traffic in your store.

What is local SEO?

SEO makes your website visible on the internet and local SEO improves your website’s visibility in location based search results. If you want to promote your business among local customers, you must focus on local SEO.

The strategies are similar to general SEO techniques, except, your target audience is limited hence you have to focus on location based campaign. In the next section, we will discuss what a local SEO expert can do to increase the relevance or prominence of your business among local customers.

How to do local SEO correctly?

  1. Website optimization: Begin by optimizing your business for local SEO. Include address, phone number and location based relevant keywords in the meta tags and website content.
  2. Google My Business: A free to use listing which can have a huge impact on your presence. Add business details, photos and addresses to complete the listing.
  3. Local directories: Ensure that your business is listed everywhere like Yelp, TripAdvisor or other relevant online directories.
  4. Local keywords: Your website will certainly show up in local searches if you go the extra mile and optimize the website content and online listings with local keywords.
  5. Reviews: Post customer reviews on websites where your business is listed to improve your rankings.


If you want to find potential customers, make sure to incorporate the above mentioned local SEO tips. If you are not sure about your efforts, leave it to the experts. Contact SEO Resellers Canada which is the best local SEO company. They are the leaders of white hat local SEO services.

SEO Resellers Canada
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