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Top SEO Trends to Watch for in 2023

Shawn the SEO Geek
Top SEO Trends to Watch for in 2023

2023 is in full swing and technology changes so quickly that it can be hard to keep up. As a business, you need to stay on top of the latest trends in order to achieve the success to end the year strong. One way of doing so is through Search Engine Optimization. Here are a few of the top SEO trends to watch for in 2023:


1. Voice search optimization - Consumers are now using voice technology more than ever, with companies like Google and Amazon leading the way. To capitalize on this trend, businesses need to optimize their content and website for voice search queries. This means making sure titles and headings use natural language that people would say when asking a question, as well as featuring content that answers commonly asked questions related to each topic.


2. Featured snippets - When someone searches for something on Google, the search engine often displays a featured snippet at the top of the page with a short answer to their query. Businesses can work to make sure they are appearing in these featured snippets by crafting content that answers queries directly and using structured data to help it stand out from competitors.


3. Mobile optimization - Many users now browse websites on their phones more than desktops or laptops, so it is important to ensure your clients have mobile-friendly sites. This means having a responsive design that adjusts automatically for different screen sizes, as well as making sure there isn't any slow loading due to too many images or videos.


By keeping up with these trends, you can help your clients stay ahead of the competition and maximize their SEO performance. Start planning now for an even more successful 2023!


Thanks for reading! Looking to learn more about SEO? Check out shawntheseogeek.com and SEO Consultant / SEO Agency for more tips and tricks.


Shawn the SEO Geek
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