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How to Tell if Your Septic Drain Field is Failing?

William Koonce
How to Tell if Your Septic Drain Field is Failing?

Septic Tank Backup

If your septic system is backed up and you are having problems with your plumbing, it is likely that your septic drain field is failing. A septic tank can become full or clogged over time, and when this happens, the wastewater from the home or business needs to be redirected away from the home. Unfortunately, if your field is failing, this can cause a slimy layer of standing water above the drain field and potentially create an offensive odor.

The best way to know if your tank and drain field are experiencing a backup is to check for wastewater that is accumulating on the property. This can come in the form of a flooded lawn or wet spots in the yard. If you notice any of these signs, it is time to call in a local septic service provider before your system reaches the stage of complete failure.

Drain Field Problems

When a drain field fails, you may also notice that the grass above it is greener than the other parts of your yard. This is due to the increased amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen that is being released into the soil, which can cause plants to thrive. Additionally, wastewater may appear at the surface of the drain field, carrying a foul odor. This is due to the lack of bacteria that should be breaking down the waste, and a sign of a serious problem.

If your drain field is in a downward direction, you are likely to see a collection of water at the bottom. If you spot any of these problems with your septic system, it is essential to call a plumbing professional and have your tank and drain field professionally inspected.

Septic System Failure

In the worst cases of failing septic systems, you can see wastewater or sewage standing in puddles on the property. If this is the case, it is likely that the pipes have become so blocked that they are no longer able to flow. When this happens, water has nowhere to go and is forced back up and out of the pipes, leading to an extremely unhygienic situation.

Another sign that your septic system is failing is if your toilets and drains are working slowly or making gurgling noises as you use them. This is a direct indication that your septic tank and drain field are blocked and unable to manage the wastewater being forced through them.

Your underground septic system is essential for the daily operation of your household and any signs that something is wrong should never be ignored. If you notice any of the issues outlined above, the best course of action is to have a professional plumber inspect your septic system to determine the cause and come up with potential solutions.

William Koonce
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