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To Shrink Or Not To Shrink For Books Printing?

To Shrink Or Not To Shrink For Books Printing?

When you printing books in china, to shrink or not to shrink? Why need to consider to shrink wrap for your book? This post will give you a compete guide.

What is shrink wrap?

to shrink or not to shrink for book printing

Shrink film (heat-shrinkable plastic film), which has the property of shrinking after heating, is used as a packaging method. This is a packaging method in which a film is covered on the product to be packaged. And then heated to shrink the film so that it fits tightly to the shape of the product to be packaged. Many books are printed in bundles and shrink-wrapped. For example, when printing children's book, some customers usually will request to shrink the same series of their books. And some even require each book to be shrink-wrapped separately.

Shrink wrap is considered a finishing operation and the book printing factory offers it as an optional service. In most cases, the application of shrink wrap is an automated process utilizing conveyor belts passing through heated tunnels. Shrink wrap can also be done manually with a hand held heat gun.

Why should you consider shrink wrap for book printing?

1) Shrink wrap reduces the chance of fraying and wrinkling

Because the shrink wrap holds the print tightly, it limits movement of the piece. This helps prevent parts from rubbing against each other or moving around within the shipping carton during shipping.

2) Shrink wrap protects the print from harmful contaminants

The clear plastic film completely encloses the print. Helping to protect it from dirt, dust, moisture, and other harmful substances.

3) Shrink wrap creates a convenient, easy-to-handle package

Shrink-wrapped bundles of print are easier to handle, store, and distribute than loose pieces.

4) Shrink wrap allows instant product identification

Since the shrink wrap is completely transparent, the wrapped print can be clearly seen.

5) Shrink wrap makes the printed books easier to count

Printed pieces that are bundled in packs of 20, 50 or 100 are much quicker and easier to inventory than loose documents.

At the same time, books that do not shrink will be damaged during transportation or express delivery. Or they will be depreciated due to excessive reading, and some may even be damp. Secondly, if the text on the page is blurred and missing due to moisture, it will directly affect the quality of reading. Thus, the shrinkage of printed books cannot be ignored.

But many environmentalists are worried about the environmental protection of the shrink film. So what is the material of the shrink film? There are roughly several types of plastic films used in the plastic packaging industry: POF, PE, and PVC. These types of plastic shrink films are recyclable, and some films are also used in the food field. So there is no need to worry about its safety and environmental protection.

In fact, the shrinking of books is the same as the shrinking of other daily necessities. The packaging equipment is used to cover the plastic film outside, and then, through high-temperature shrinking machinery and equipment. The perfect plastic sealing effect can be achieved after shrinking. While fully showing the outline of the item, it protects the item at the same time. Shrink packaging is also a very cost-effective packaging option. If your books also need to be shrink-wrapped, our factory will be a good choice.

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