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Top 5 Solar Battery Companies in India, 2023

Top 5 Solar Battery Companies in India, 2023

Solar batteries are a great way to store solar energy and use it later. They offer a stable and efficient way to store solar energy, enabling you to access it whenever you need it. Solar batteries are becoming more and more well-liked since they provide a practical, economical, and environmentally beneficial way to power your house or place of business.

Top 5 Solar Battery Manufacturers in India

1. Loom Solar —

Loom Solar is India’s №1 company of solar panels and batteries. Loom Solar has a top technology lithium battery and solar battery of “C10” that has the capacity to run multiple appliances like Tv, fans, lights, AC, washing machines, fridges, etc.

Price Range — Here are some estimated ranges of Solar battery prices between Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.

Features —

— Low maintenance frequency

— 8 to 10 years expected life cycle

— It suitable for all kinds of inverters

— overcharge tolerance level is far better than flat plate batteries

Working — It takes a minimum of 10 hrs. to fully charge, and it can provide anywhere from 6–7 hours of backup power in case of an outage.


— batteries are heavy

— It occupies more space

— need to fill water in the battery from time to time.

2. Exide- Exide solar inverters are an efficient and reliable way to get energy from solar panels. They offer a range of features that make them suitable for both residential and commercial applications, including high-efficiency operation, easy installation, and remote monitoring capabilities.

Price Range- The typical pricing range for an Exide Solar Inverter is between Rs. 6000 and Rs. 22,000.


-Fast Charging efficiency

- Low rate of self-discharging

-Warranty of 5 yrs. on its solar inverter

-Compact size and noiseless operations.

Working- Its average life is 7–10 years.


-It is not available for online purchase

-Battery dealers are not aware

-Unaffordable for normal people.

3. Luminous- A Luminous solar inverter makes it possible to handle solar electricity, grid power, and batteries intelligently to provide consistent power for all electrical purposes.

Price Range- The estimated price range given for a luminous solar inverter is between Rs. 16,000 to Rs. 1,94,300.


-C10-rated deep cycle batteries specially designed for longer backup.

-Low maintenance.

-High-temperature efficiency.

-Topping up frequency- once in 8–10 months.

Working- Luminous inverters are 91 percent more efficient.


-limited storage capacity.

-It requires regular maintenance and replacement over time.

-expensive to install and maintain

-less efficient than others.

4. Okaya- The Okaya Solar Battery is a reliable and powerful rechargeable battery designed to provide power for solar-powered devices.

Price Range- The estimated price range of the Okaya solar inverter is in between 10,000 to 22,000 approx.


-It has the capacity to store up to 8,000 mAh

-Okaya Solar Battery includes safety features such as overcharge protection, temperature control, and short circuit protection.

-lightweight and portable

-high-performance and long-lasting.

Limitations- Okaya won’t be held responsible for any special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, or for any third-party claims.

5. Eastman- Eastman Solar Inverter is a reliable and efficient energy solution. It has been designed to provide clean, sustainable energy while ensuring maximum efficiency.

Price Range- The Estimate price range of the Eastman solar inverter is between Rs. 6,000 to 20,000 approx.


-High-speed micro-controller

-built-in Solar charge controller

-Compatible with the IT load.


-High Cost

-Less power backup

-Bad performance

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