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Ayurvedic Tablets for detoxification - DETOXHERBO TABLET

Ayurvedic Tablets for detoxification - DETOXHERBO TABLET

Detox Support

Tablets for Detoxification – Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body to support healthy living. The process of detoxification starts with the Liver and is a very tedious process to follow. Healthy detoxification helps in managing weight, Improves digestion, Skin health, and Immunity. Keeping this in mind, Herbal Hills has come up with Ayurvedic Detox Tablet, Ayurvedic Detox Drinks, and Ayurvedic Detox Powder.

Healthy detoxification helps in managing weight, digestion & Immunity. DETOXHERBO TABLET is the best Ayurvedic Tablets for detoxification. Contact us now for more details: https://www.herbalhillswellness.com/ayurvedic-medicine/detox-support/

Product 1: Tablets for Detoxification - DETOXHERBO TABLET

Product Key Benefits

May Help in blood purification and detoxification .

This ayurvedic detox tablets may help in Removes the toxins out of body.

This tablets for detoxification supports the healthy digestion and metabolism.

This ayurvedic detox tablets helps to improve bio availability.

This tablets for detoxification facilitates smooth bowel cleansing.

Direction & Dosage

Take 1 to 2 tablets at bedtime or as directed by a physician. For better results, it should be taken with warm water.

Each 550 Mg Tablet Contains:

Triphala Chruna - Generic Preparation - 100 mg

Trikatu Ghana - Generic Preparation - 50 mg

Nishottar Ghana - Ipomea Turpethum -100 mg

Haritaki - Terminalia Chebula - 200 mg

Bahava Magaj - Cassia Fistula - 100 mg

Croscarmellose Sodium -qs

Magnesium Stearate -qs

Silicon Dioxide-qs

Pvpk - qs

Polyvinyl Alcohol - qs

Bhavana Dravya : - 1) Pippali - Piper Longum - qs

Contact us now for more details: https://www.herbalhillswellness.com/ayurvedic-medicine/detox-support/

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