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What Insurance Should Hotel Owners Have?

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What Insurance Should Hotel Owners Have?

The following forms of coverage are essential for every hotel or motel owner:

Unemployment insurance premiums are already included in your state tax payment as mandated by law. Your company will be protected after it has been formally established, registered with the appropriate state agency, and has begun making tax payments.

Suppose your hotel is in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, or Puerto Rico. In that case, you must legally provide disabled guests with disability insurance. It's discretionary otherwise.

Health coverage: The Affordable Care Act mandates that if your hotel or motel has more than 50 full-time employees, you provide them with access to affordable, employer-sponsored health insurance. 

Commercial property insurance is essential to safeguard your hotel from catastrophic financial loss in the event of fire, theft, or other covered peril.

As was said before, the activities carried out on each given hotel property will determine its specific commercial insurance needs. Not all hotels have golfing facilities. There are significant hotels with several luxuries and basic hotels with fewer services. Each hotel's insurance requirements will vary based on several criteria, including those listed above.

While it's impossible to provide blanket recommendations, we can go through the most prevalent types of hotel insurance and the reasons their owners invest in them. The hotel industry is now one of the most difficult to insure. Insurance firms have raised premiums, instituted more rigid underwriting rules, and increased deductibles due to COVID-19, labor shortages impacting employee and visitor safety, high vacancy rates, and rising weather severity.

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