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What is SS 347 Nut and its Properties?

George Wallis

Stainless steel is a popular material used in different industrial applications. It is known for its durability and strength, making it an excellent choice for building structures, manufacturing equipment, and other applications. One of the most common types of stainless steel is SS 347, which is widely used in the fabrication of nuts that are used in various industrial applications. We will explore what SS 347 Nut is and its properties.

What is SS 347 Nut?

SS 347 is an austenitic stainless steel that is composed of a combination of titanium, niobium, and tantalum. This steel grade has excellent corrosion resistance properties and is used in various high-temperature applications, including aircraft, petrochemical plants, and chemical processing industries. SS 347 nut is a type of fastener that is made from SS 347, primarily used in high-temperature environments, where its excellent corrosion resistance and durability are needed.

Properties of SS 347 Nut

SS 347 nut has several properties that make it highly valuable in industrial applications. Firstly, it has high temperature resistance, making it ideal for use in high-temperature applications where other materials would not withstand the heat. Secondly, it has excellent corrosion resistance, making it resistant to chemical attacks, such as oxidizing environments, sulfidation, and intergranular corrosion. Thirdly, it has excellent ductility, which means it can deform without breaking, making it easy to use and install.

Applications of SS 347 Nut

SS 347 nut is widely used in many industrial applications that require high-temperature resistance and excellent corrosion resistance properties. This type of nut is common in the aerospace and petrochemical industries, where it is used in manufacturing engines, turbines, and other high-temperature applications. It is also used in chemical processing applications, including reactors, distillation columns, and heat exchangers.

How to select SS 347 Nut

When selecting SS 347 nut, there are various factors to consider. One of these is the temperature and environment surrounding the application. High-temperature applications require nuts that can withstand the heat, while corrosive environments require nuts that have excellent corrosion resistance properties. Another factor to consider is the strength and size of the nut, where the nut should be strong enough to handle the pressure and force subjected to it, making it easier to install and use.


SS 347 nut is an essential component in many industrial applications due to its excellent corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, and excellent ductility properties. It is ideal for use in high-temperature applications, including the aerospace and petrochemical industries, and under corrosive environments such as chemical processing plants. When selecting SS 347 nut, consider the temperature, environment, strength, and size of the nut to ensure it works best in your application.

George Wallis
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