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How Does LeseUp Work?



LeseUp is a funded trading program that gives traders the opportunity to trade with a funded account from the company. LeseUp provides Evaluation Accounts to traders who want to be funded after passing the evaluation. This blog post will discuss how LeseUp works, how to buy an evaluation account, the evaluation rules, market data, performance account rules, and withdrawal rules.

How to Buy an Evaluation Account

Once you have decided to buy an evaluation account, you will receive an email with Tradovate platform’s access codes. You will then need to enter the given credentials in the Evaluation Account purchase email. The credentials are in the “Platform Information” section within the email. Once completed, a “Market Data Subscriber” certification notice will appear, where there will be two options (Professional) and (Non-Professional) - it is important to select “Non-Professional” to enter. After completing the required forms, you will be directed to the next page of “Select a Trading Mode” and enter “Simulation” – “Continue”. You will then be directed to your Platform, where you can start trading. When purchasing the Evaluation Account, a PDF with the installation guides will be sent to you. You can find them at https://leseup.com/mi-cuenta/downloads/.

How to Buy Market Data

Funding companies usually buy market data within the cost of their Evaluation Account and buy instrument data that they do not need, and will not need. LeseUp trading lowered the Evaluation Accounts costs so that the operator can buy on their own (only the data of the instruments that they will need) from $4/month. The purchase of the data is done directly from the Tradovate Platform. When you buy your Evaluation Account, a PDF with the installation guides will be sent to you. You can find them at https://leseup.com/mi-cuenta/downloads/.

Evaluation Accounts Rules

Evaluation accounts only have one simple rule, which is “Do not reach the minimum established for each account”. The account balance must not exceed the loss limit of the chosen account, and the trader must not trade more than three overnight micro-contracts. To pass the evaluation account, the trader must have at least ten trading days (non-traded day is not considered a trading day). For evaluation account approval, the balance at the end of the day must be greater than the goal of the chosen account. Once the objective of your Evaluation Account has been reached, do not carry out any more operations and generate a TICKET in the Help Desk, with the subject “Goal reached,” which will be attended within the following 24 business hours.

Performance Accounts Rules

If you have completed your Evaluation Accounts and are ready to start your performance account, you need to know that merchants with a Performance Account have the option to choose flexible payments in two ways. To operate a performance account, you must trade for a minimum of 20 trading days (day not traded is not considered a trading day). The threshold means the minimum balance established to be able to withdraw benefits. Once the threshold is reached, the margin generated can be withdrawn according to the “Funds Withdrawal” scale established in the contract. For all enabled accounts, the Drawdowns are hybrid, which means that until the threshold is reached, the Drawdown is dynamic. Beyond the threshold, the Drawdown becomes Static at the threshold value.

Withdrawal Rules

LeseUp has created a flexible form for benefit withdrawals, which will be detailed in the contract. To make a withdrawal, you must meet the threshold previously described. Once the threshold is reached, the first four months will be flexible for withdrawals from evaluation accounts. After the fifth month, traders can withdraw what they want, as long as they respect the established threshold. To request the withdrawal of funds, you must generate a TICKET at the Help Desk, with the subject “Payment for Performance benefits,” which will be attended to within the following 24 business hours.


LeseUp is an excellent opportunity for traders to trade with a funded account from the company. This blog post has discussed how LeseUp works, how to buy an evaluation account, evaluation rules, market data, performance account rules, and withdrawal rules. It is essential to understand these rules before trading with LeseUp.

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