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Ti Infotech: India’s No. 1 Data Recovery Company in India, Your Complete and Safe Data Recovery Solution

TI Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Ti Infotech: India’s No. 1 Data Recovery Company in India, Your Complete and Safe Data Recovery Solution


TI Infotech is India’s No. 1 Data Recovery Company in India, Your Complete and Safe Data Recovery Solution. We offer a full range of data recovery services and backup solutions to safeguard the information held on your computer or network – server. We can recover your valuable data, files and documents lost through hardware failure, unintentional deletion, viruses or system crashes. 

TI infotech offers a full range of data recovery services and backup solutions to safeguard the information held on your computer or network – server.

We can recover your valuable data, files and documents lost through hardware failure, unintentional deletion, viruses or system crashes. TI infotech offers a full range of data restore services and backup solutions to safeguard the information held on your computer or network – server. We can recover your valuable data, files and documents lost through hardware failure, unintentional deletion, viruses or system crashes. 

We offer a comprehensive range of data recovery services that include:

  • Data restoration: This is an ideal solution if you have accidentally deleted some files while using your computer or mobile phone. The restore service will restore them back to their original state with all their properties intact such as names, dates etc. 
  • File recovery: If any file gets corrupted due to virus attack, then it can be recovered by using our advanced technology that includes physical checksums before starting its copy process so as not only make sure that there’s no corruption but also check whether it has been modified in any way during transfer between systems like emails etc. A complete scan does this job for us automatically because we use multiple methods at once including logical checksum calculations performed over encrypted blocks (with certain algorithms) when writing files onto different storage media types such as hard drives/SSD devices; flash drives; CD-ROMs; tapes etc.

1-Hour Remote Diagnosis

  • Remote diagnosis is done within 1 hour. 
  • Diagnosis is done by our trained engineers, who come to your place or office and examine the data loss issue. They will provide you with a detailed report about the cause for the data loss, along with recommendations for how to prevent it from happening again in future. 
  • You can choose when to receive this diagnosis—it can be done at any time of day or evening, even during weekends! And if you’re traveling out of town but still need help recovering lost files remotely, we’ll do everything in our power to make sure those missing files get back on track as soon as possible (with no extra charges).

We Offer 100% Data Security Guarantee

We promise you 100% safety and security of your data. You can trust us with the absolute assurance that we will recover all your lost files, no matter how much time has passed since they were deleted, as long as they are still on our servers. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if any product or service fails during recovery. This means that if there is an issue with our recovery processes, we will refund all fees paid by you for services rendered up until that point in time.

24/7 emergency response to every loss!

We have a dedicated team of experts who are available 24/7, 365 days. Our expert consultants will help you recover your data regardless of the issue and provide you with the best possible solution for your problem. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time!

Enterprise Services

We provide a wide range of services for enterprise clients. Our enterprise solutions include: 

  • Data Recovery Services: In case your data is lost or damaged due to any reason, we can help you recover it. 
  • Backup Solutions: We offer complete backup solutions that ensure your data security and protection against data loss or corruption in case of hardware failure or natural disaster like fire, earthquake etc., etc.. 
  • Data Backup Services: To make sure that the backups are saved safely and securely so as not to get destroyed by any external factors like power cut offs, theft etc., we offer disk level disk level backup which includes both physical sector level (parity) as well as logical sector level (full copy) option available at our disposal whenever required by our clientele irrespective of their size scale/budget constraints! 

Data Recovery Service

We offer a complete data recovery solution for all your storage device needs. Our skilled engineers work on any storage device and operating system, making sure to provide the best possible results for you. In addition to recovering lost data, we can also recover deleted files from your hard drive or computer’s memory using a specialized software program that recovers the original files back into their original location in no time at all! 

We guarantee our 100% data security guarantee so that you don’t have to worry about anything when dealing with us! Our team will provide 24/7 emergency response for every loss situation that may arise during this time period; this means having someone available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week so there will always be someone available when needed most (unlike other companies who only respond during regular business hours). 

Server Backup Support

Server backup is a critical step towards protecting your data. It helps you to keep an eye on the server, so that in case of any problem or accident with the hardware, there will be no loss of data and all your important files would be safe. 

Server backup services are offered by many companies in India. However, none of them can match Infotech’s quality and affordability when compared to other providers in this segment. Our team provides 24/7 support through phone call or email queries regarding server backup services provided by us as well as our clients’ satisfaction level after using our products.

Original Source: https://blog.tiinfotech.com/ti-infotech-indias-no-1-data-recovery-company-in-india-your-complete-and-safe-data-recovery-solution/

TI Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
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