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Environmental Chambers: Everything You Need to Know

Simultech Australia
Environmental Chambers: Everything You Need to Know

The use of environmental chambers across diverse industries is on the rise in recent times. It helps in testing the effects of different environmental conditions on products and materials. In other words, they assess the performance of different products at varying humidity, temperature, light, and altitude. Before you invest in an environmental temperature chamber or humidity chamber, knowing everything about them is vital. In this article, you will learn about the environmental chambers. Let’s get started!


Types of Environmental Chambers

The prominent types of environmental chambers are listed below.

  • Walk-in: These environmental chambers are quite large. It can easily accommodate full-size materials and products.
  • Benchtop: These chambers are lightweight and small in size. They are ideal for testing small products and materials.
  • Reach-in: These chambers are ideal for testing products that cannot fit into the benchtop chambers. 


Products Tested in the Environmental Chambers

There are a variety of products that can be tested in the environmental chambers. Some of the common products are listed below.


  • Food and Drinks

Different types of food items and drinks can be easily tested in the environmental chambers. It helps in understanding the impact of conditions like temperature and humidity on the food items. The environmental chambers can determine the shelf life of the products.


  • Chemical, Cosmetic, and Pharmaceutical Products

The quality of these products must strictly adhere to the industry standard. It is important because it can have a direct impact on human health. So, the test chambers can help in evaluating the product quality and ensure their approval.


  • Building and Construction Materials

The building and construction materials are subject to different kinds of stress continuously. That is why testing them is important to avoid negative consequences for the buildings. The environmental chambers help in evaluating the building materials and testing their quality for better outcomes of the construction projects.


Benefits of the Environmental Chambers

Whether you are looking for sun simulation chambers or environmental chambers, you would want to know their benefits. The key benefits of environmental chambers are listed below.

  • It allows the manufacturers to test different products and materials under various realistic conditions.
  • It helps in testing multiple products at a time and saves time.
  • It enables the identification of potential issues with the products before their delivery in the market.
  • It allows the manufacturers to set warranty periods effectively.
  • It helps in improving the satisfaction level of the customers.


How to Choose the Right Environmental Test Chamber?

Follow the tips listed below to select the right environmental test chamber.

  • Test the diverse capabilities of the test chambers.
  • Evaluate the safety features for optimum performance.
  • Check the various controls of the chambers.
  • Consider the size and maintenance requirements.



By now, you must be well aware of everything about the environmental chambers. Whether you want environmental chambers or thermal vacuum chambers, look for an experienced and reputed company. The expert professionals can provide you with the necessary guidance and enable you to make the right choice. With the right device, you can be rest assured of accurate testing.


Simultech Australia
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