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Parenting Arrangements

In actuality, custody of small children is very often granted to the mother. Fathers are granted primary custody in fewer than 10% of cases. Joint custody is an option that gives both parents custody and is sometimes an amicable solution to a difficult problem. As a father, you need to learn the best ways to gain custody of your children.

While most people use the terms interchangeably, child custody and legal guardianship aren't necessarily the same thing. Child custody and parental custody consist of both legal and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the right to make decisions for the minor child no matter where they live. Physical custody   parenting arrangements  is where the child resides. Parents are expected to take care of their children no matter where they reside. Paying child support doesn't guarantee visitation rights. Child custody, visitation rights child support payments are all part of the child custody case.

There are many factors that go into the decision of a judge in a child custody case. Where there is proven child neglect or abuse the decision is relatively easy. Most cases are not that straightforward. There are several things you must do as a father seeking parental custody. First, you must show that you are a capable parent and second you must show that it is in your child's best interest to live with you.

Some of the things a family court looks at when determining custody include:

· Ability to spend quality time with the child

· Provides a stable home life for the child

· Does not demonstrate any prior problems (child neglect, drug use, illegal activities)

· Can provide emotionally and physical for the child

· Psychological evaluation of the children

· Desires of the children (school age)

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