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How On Demand Handyman Apps Can Contribute to Youth Unemployment

How On Demand Handyman Apps Can Contribute to Youth Unemployment


The rising popularity of on-demand handyman apps such as TaskRabbit and Handy may contribute to youth unemployment in a few ways. These apps make it easier for businesses to outsource tasks to independent contractors rather than hiring full-time employees. This can result in companies providing fewer job opportunities to young people seeking entry-level jobs. Additionally, young people may need more skills and experience to compete for jobs in the gig economy. A study by the Brookings Institution found that using on-demand labour platforms led to a decrease in employment for young people. In contrast, a study by the University of California, Berkeley, demonstrated that on-demand workers were paid less than traditional workers. However, on-demand handyman apps can also allow young people to earn extra money and develop entrepreneurial skills. The impact on youth employment is likely to vary depending on specific factors.

On-demand handyman apps like TaskRabbit and Handy can contribute to youth unemployment in a few ways. First, these apps make it easier for people to hire independent contractors for tasks that employees typically do. This can lead to businesses hiring fewer employees, as they can outsource tasks to independent contractors willing to work for lower wages. Second, these apps can make it more difficult for young people to find entry-level jobs. As businesses increasingly rely on independent contractors, young people have fewer opportunities to get their foot in the door and gain valuable work experience. Finally, these apps can contribute to hopelessness among young people struggling to find jobs. When young people see that there are fewer and fewer opportunities for employment, it can be not very encouraging and make them less likely to continue looking for work.

On-demand handyman apps have revolutionised the way people hire and pay for services. However, the increase in popularity of these apps has also resulted in a significant contribution to youth unemployment. With these apps' rise, many people use them instead of hiring a full-time handyperson. As a result, handyperson jobs that used to be full-time are now being taken up by gig economy workers who may only work for a few hours a month. This trend has reduced full-time job opportunities for young people seeking employment in the handyman industry. Additionally, young people may need more skills and experience to compete for jobs in the gig economy. This hinders their ability to find work and gain practical experience. While on-demand handyman apps have helped create access to consumer services, they have also had unintended consequences that impact young people's employment opportunities in the long run.

Here are some specific examples of how on-demand handyman apps have contributed to youth unemployment:

  • In 2016, a study by the Brookings Institution found that using on-demand labour platforms like TaskRabbit and Handy had decreased employment for young people in the United States. The study found that for every 100 on-demand jobs created, 2.6 fewer traditional jobs were created.
  • In 2017, a study by the University of California, Berkeley found that using on-demand labour platforms like TaskRabbit and Handy had decreased wages for young people in the United States. The study found that on-demand workers were paid an average of $12.50 per hour, which was $2.50 less than the average wage for traditional workers.
  • In 2018, a study by the Pew Research Center found that young people were more likely to be unemployed than older workers. The study found that the unemployment rate for young people aged 16 to 24 was 10.9%, compared to 4.7% for workers aged 25 to 54.

These studies suggest that on-demand handyman apps can hurt youth employment. However, it is essential to note that these apps can also have some positive benefits. For example, they can allow young people to earn extra money and gain valuable work experience. Additionally, they can help young people to develop their entrepreneurial skills. Ultimately, the impact of on-demand handyman apps on youth employment will likely vary depending on several factors, such as the specific app, the local economy, and the individual circumstances of young people.

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