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Applications of Flexible Printed Circuit Board

XPCB Limited
Applications of Flexible Printed Circuit Board

Flex printed circuit boards are of great use in various industries. They don’t just have diverse applications but also offer exceptional accuracy. They perform satisfactorily in dynamic and static applications. That’s because they can bend easily. Manufacturers can customize flex PCB to meet high or low-volume flexing needs. They design flex PCBs depending on the nature of the application. 

Flexible Printed Circuit Board’s common applications

Many industries rely on flex PCB for a range of reasons. It is not the same as a rigid circuit board. It is perfect for situations where you can’t use rigid circuit boards. Consumers from all sectors want better performance and smaller weight. Everyone prefers to use lighter and more portable electronics. This is where flex PCB comes into the picture. Some examples include:

  • Commercial electronics-Computer technology requires one-third of the flex PCBs designed worldwide. Printers, smart devices, scanners, and other devices need them. The market strives to develop more advanced and hand-held technologies. Flex PCBs are perfect in this regard. They guarantee heavy computing power and are lightweight at the same time.
  • Aerospace- Flex PCBs can handle extreme temperatures. This is one of its best qualities. It also has a remarkable ability to withstand the stress of constant vibrations. So, it is apt for aerospace applications like satellites. They have another unique feature. They come in various shapes. Hence, they are used in spacecraft. 
  • Automotive- Vehicles are the second-biggest sector for flex PCBs. The cars constantly undergo developments and advancements. Every year, car sellers introduce new and modern features. Cars of today look a lot different from the cars people drove a decade ago. Along with their appearance, their hardware has undergone changes. The latest cars have more sensors. GPS software, rear-view cameras, and climate control are some instances. Flex PCBs ensure both thermal performance and space allotments. 
  • Medical devices- Medical technologies have evolved immensely in the past few years. Wearable devices have emerged. People use these devices to track their heart health, stress levels, and other conditions. Flex PCBs offer excellent durability to these devices. Vital sensors and hearing aids use flex PCBs to ensure high performance that can endure wear and tear.

The Bottom Line

So, you can get High Frequency PCB or low-frequency as per your requirements. However, you have to specify the kind of application beforehand. Based on that he will choose the components and materials. Only then your flex PCBs will serve the desired purpose.

XPCB Limited
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