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Pre-launch ICO - why it is important for ICO business

william schofield
Pre-launch ICO - why it is important for ICO business

ICO is one of the popular techniques of crowdfunding. So, launching an Initial Coin Offering platform will be the key to success for your crypto business. Launching an ICO involves four stages: Preparation, Pre-launch ICO, ICO, and Post-ICO. Among stages, Pre-launch ICO is a crucial part of launching an ICO. 

What is a pre-sale ICO?

In simple terms, A token sale that occurs just before the main ICO public sale is called an ICO pre-sale. A part of the crypto tokens will be offered at a discount to reputable investors during this time. The main goal of conducting an ICO token presale is to promote the ICO project and draw in prospective investors. 

Why pre-launch ICO important? 

Building hype: A pre-launch ICO can generate hype and anticipation for the upcoming ICO, which can help to attract investors and increase the chances of success. 

Early fundraising: In this stage, we are provided with the opportunity for early fundraising, allowing the ICO business to secure funding before the official launch. 

Token distribution: Through this, the startup can get an opportunity to distribute tokens to early investors and supporters. This can help to create a sense of exclusivity and incentivize early adoption, as well as provide liquidity for the tokens on the secondary market.

Community building: It helps to engage with potential investors and build a community of early adopters and supporters. By gathering feedback and insights from the community, businesses can improve the project and increase its chances of success.

Overall, a Pre-launch ICO can be an important step for ICO businesses. If you want to explore more, read this blog >> Pre-launch ICO

However, it is important to ensure that the project is well-planned, executed and that all legal and regulatory requirements are met before launching any ICO. When it comes to pre-launch ICO service, choose the best leading ICO development company for business at an affordable cost.

william schofield
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