Two-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive for ceramic tiles and stone material.
Open time: 50 minutes.
Set to light foot traffic: approx. 12 hours.
Ready for use: approx. 7 days.
Deformability: highly deformable.
Colours: grey and white.
Application: N° 4 or 5 notched trowel.
Storage: 24 months.
Consumption: 2.5 -5 kg/m².
Packaging: 5 and 10 kg units (A : B = 94 : 6 parts by weight).
Choose the best Ceramic and stone adhesives manufacturer in UAE for your construction work at best offer in UAE.
CLASSIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH EN 12004 Keralastic is an improved (2) reaction adhesive (R) classified as class R2. Keralastic T is an improved (2) reaction adhesive (R) and slip resistant (T) classified as R2T. Conformity of Keralastic and Keralastic T is declared in ITT certificates n° 25040320/Gi (TUM) and n° 25040471/Gi (TUM) respectively, issued by the Technische Universität München laboratory (Germany). WHERE TO USE Indoor and outdoor, bonding of wall and floor ceramic tiles, stone material mosaics, etc. on: · screeds, renders, concrete, asphalt, wood, metal, PVC, reinforced polyester, fibre-cement, gypsum, gypsum board, gypsum panels, etc. Some application examples · Bonding ceramic tiles, stone material and all types of mosaics in showers and on sheets used for prefabricated bathrooms. · Bonding ceramic tiles and mosaics on wooden work surfaces or in kitchens in order to achieve a waterproof substrate. · Bonding ceramic tiles, stone material and mosaics on balconies, external terraces, domes or flat roofs subject to foot traffic. · Bonding natural stones and reconstructed stone (marble of every type, slate, etc.) also subject to movement and size variation due to the absorption of water (class C of size stability according to MAPEI standards). · Bonding ceramic tiles and stone material on surfaces subject to vibrations and deflections. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Keralastic and Keralastic T are two-component, solvent and water free adhesives which are flexible and waterproof. They are made up of a polyurethane base (component A) and a special hardener (component B). On mixing the two components together, the result is a paste with the following properties: · good workability; · excellent durability and resistant to ageing; · perfect adhesion to all surfaces used in building; · hardens by chemical reaction without shrinkage (until it becomes highly resistant); · high deformability; · in the case of Keralastic T, highly thixotropic: it can be applied vertically without slump and without letting even heavy or large tiles slip. The slipping strength is in compliance with EN 1308