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Factors to consider when buying a condominium

Emma Rogers
Factors to consider when buying a condominium

Starting your home ownership journey by buying a Condo? One of the best decisions that you will ever make! Buying a Condo for sale in Canada can be very advantageous as it comes with all amenities, security and proper maintenance. But before you start the process, there are some factors you must consider that will help you make one of the great investments in your life.

What is a Condo?

Condos, which stand for condominiums are multi-unit buildings that typically have apartments or townhouses as their units. It may be one of the numerous units in a large building, or it may be one of two or three units in a much smaller walk-up structure.

Factors you may consider when buying a Condominium

  • Make sure to choose a good location

The location of your Condo matters a lot when it comes to your personal needs and deciding the resale value of your property. Make sure that you take into account the area, the accessibility to amenities, and the ease of commuting. Keep an eye out for the nearest Go stations, high connectivity, and proximity to daily utility stores. 

  • Amenities the Condo Offer

Condos mostly include a number of amenities, such as a parking space, a gym, a yoga studio, or a pool. Make sure you take these amenities into consideration if they are essential to you.

  • Fees of Association

Condo association payments pay for the maintenance of the building's common spaces, including the lobby, pool, and gym. It's essential that you understand what's included in the fees as well as how much they will cost because these prices can vary greatly.

  • The size and layout of the unit

In case you have pets, then you must consider the size and layout of your house. It is important to look for a bigger space according to your needs. If you and your partner both are working from home then you would separate workspaces.

  • The Rules and Regulations

As you must be aware that the Condos are governed by a set of rules and regulations which may differ between buildings. Before making a purchase, make sure you are aware of the restrictions so that you are not surprised by anything in the future.

  • The History of the Condo

Condos may have an account of problems, including flooding or issues with the foundation. Before making a purchase, it's important to look into the condo's past to identify any potential issues.

  • Return on Investment

When buying a Condo make sure you are putting your money in an apartment that has higher chances of appreciation over a period of time. Your house is an asset that builds equity as time passes. Ensure you are making an investment for your future.

Final Words

With the help of these above-mentioned factors, you can decide on buying the right Condo for sale. It is important to research well and take time to review all the factors. Condo purchases can feel just as competitive as single-family home purchases. Be flexible while evaluating various features and consider your needs. It is also advisable to consult a real estate professional specialising in condos to help you with your home search and to represent your interests at all times.

Emma Rogers
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