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JavaScript Training in Chennai | Best JavaScript Course in Chennai

JavaScript Training in Chennai | Best JavaScript Course in Chennai

"Would you be willing to take a JavaScript course from a skilled trainer? Join JavaScript Training in Chennai @ Bitaacademy. 40+ hours of skilled instruction

Would you like to learn more about JavaScript from a qualified instructor? BITA Academy offers Best JavaScript Training in Chennai, a client-side language that is easy to learn. We’ll go over the fundamental ideas behind JavaScript and show you how to use these concepts to build your code. You will discover how to make appealing desktop applications for Windows and Mac. And JavaScript can be used to write server code. You will learn how to work with multiple javascript files in a single HTML document. You ought to be familiar with variables and the different variables used in JavaScript. Additionally, you will learn about the Ternary Operator in this course as it is essential to JavaScript.JavaScript is a text-based programming language used on both the client and server sides to create interactive web pages. Programmers worldwide use Javascript to make dynamic and interactive web applications and browsers. JavaScript adds interactive elements to web pages that keep users interested, whereas HTML and CSS are languages that give web pages structure and style.Roles and Responsibility of JavaScript Developerobtaining project specifications through communication with clients and critical stakeholders.Examining requirements and creating features and solutions that are appropriate.Writing, modifying, and testing programming code using hardware and software on a computer.Checking for bugs in the code, then putting the fixes in place.Creating procedures for testing and validation.Code deployment in a live environment.Syllabus of JavaScript Course in ChennaiPART 1: JavaScript Basics Deep Dive on The HTML DOM What do you know about JavaScript Syntax.Literals, identifiers and reserved words Basic Rules Deep Dive on Dot Notation Square Bracket Notation Expressions and expression evaluation JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties Statements.

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