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Best Remedy for Trigger Finger: Surgical vs. Non-Surgical

Trigger Finger Wand
Best Remedy for Trigger Finger: Surgical vs. Non-Surgical

A trigger finger is a common medical problem in many middle-aged and older people. It is a condition where the tendon sheath beneath the skin gets compressed or irritated, resulting in severe finger pain. People prefer different treatments as the best remedy for trigger finger. According to recent studies, 1 out of every 100 people above the age of 45 is affected by a trigger finger.

Some people prefer surgical trigger treatments due to their permanent solutions, while others prioritize non-surgical solutions as they are cost-effective. Therefore, in this article, we’ll distinguish surgical and non-surgical treatments to conclude the best remedy for trigger finger.

Non-Surgical Treatments:

Non-surgical treatments are always attempted first to cure the trigger finger effectively and naturally. Following are some of the essential non-invasive treatments for trigger finger:

1. Medications:

NSAIDs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen, help to reduce finger pain and tendon inflammation. Moreover, medication such as acetaminophen also helps in pain reduction.

2. Heat and Ice Therapy:

Heat and ice therapy is the most basic trigger finger at home treatment. Rub the ice on the trigger finger for 20 minutes and then heat it properly for another 20 minutes. Apply a splint and brace after therapy for straightening of the finger.

3. Rest:

For any body part pain, rest is the most effective solution. Therefore, avoid using your trigger finger in all hand activities.

4. Physical Therapist:

Stretching and strengthening finger exercises, under the guidance of a physical therapist, is also effective treatment to cure the trigger finger.

5. Ultrasound Therapy:

Ultrasound therapy is undoubtedly the best remedy for trigger finger. The Ultrasound wand emits far-infrared and ultrasonic radiations directly beneath the skin to reduce inflammation. Massaging with this wand for 15 minutes provides effective results within some weeks.

Surgical Treatments:

If non-surgical treatments cannot cure a trigger finger, health experts always advise the sufferer to consider surgery. Most popularly, the following are the two of the most effective surgical procedures for the trigger finger.

1. Open Surgical Release:

During this procedure, a surgeon makes a small incision over the hand. A health expert cuts the tendon sheath to give the tendon more space to move. A local anesthetic (with drugs such as Benzocaine or lidocaine) is used to prevent pain during treatment.

After the incision, a stitch or skin glue is used to close the incision. Most people feel discomfort after surgery, and it takes up to many weeks to fully recover.

2. Percutaneous Release:

Unlike open surgical release, a percutaneous release is a less-invasive surgical treatment for the trigger finger. The surgeon uses the needle, guided with an ultrasound probe, to break the blocking tissue around the tendon sheath, which is responsible for the inability of finger movements.

Moreover, this surgical treatment requires no special medical room and can be conducted in the office of a health care expert.


Whether it’s surgical or non-surgical, both are effective treatments. On the one hand, surgical treatments are very cost-friendly and can be easily performed at home. In contrast, non-surgical treatments are expensive and require proper medical guidance from a doctor. Therefore, you and your budget must prioritize which treatment option is the best remedy for trigger finger.

Trigger Finger Wand
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