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Common Dental Conditions That Can Be Treated with Night Guards

Havenview Dental Centre
Common Dental Conditions That Can Be Treated with Night Guards

Your oral health and maintaining a beautiful smile are likely of utmost importance to you, so you're seeking information here. You've taken significant steps towards achieving a healthy smile by diligently following oral care practices and attending regular dental check-ups every six months. However, you may still have some inquiries regarding the potential benefits of using a mouthguard to enhance your dental well-being.

Whether you're experiencing issues related to grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep or engaging in sports activities, your dentist might suggest using a mouthguard to safeguard the enamel of your teeth. 

In this post, you can find more about the common dental issues that can be treated with night guards. 

What is a Nightguard?

A nightguard is a dental appliance made of plastic that resembles a retainer. It comes in both hard and soft varieties and is designed to cover the biting surfaces of the upper or lower set of teeth. Its purpose is to provide a protective barrier. Customization is critical for nightguards since every patient has a unique teeth pattern. 

To ensure a comfortable fit that isn't overly bulky, the nightguard is individually crafted by molding it to match the contours of your teeth. You may hear different terms used interchangeably by dentists to refer to this appliance, such as mouthguard, occlusal guard, bite splint, dental guard, or nocturnal bite plate. Rest assured, they all pertain to the same dental device.

Reasons Why You Need to Wear a Nightguard

Night guards are not universally prescribed for all patients. The best dentist in Scarborough determines the suitability of treatment options, including night guards, based on your specific diagnosis. Night guards are primarily utilized for addressing the following oral conditions:


This medical condition is known as bruxism, which pertains to teeth grinding. It is a prevalent occurrence, especially among children, during sleep. Bruxism involves the act of teeth being forcefully clenched and rubbed against each other. When bruxism reaches a level that requires treatment, it indicates that it has become excessive, leading to various oral problems such as thinning enamel, tooth sensitivity, and jaw discomfort.

2.Combat plaque buildup

In addition to its effectiveness in treating bruxism, a night guard can serve multiple purposes, including preventing plaque buildup. Plaque commonly develops overnight when bacteria and food particles interact with the teeth. However, wearing a night guard after thorough brushing and flossing can significantly reduce the likelihood of plaque formation.

3.Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

TMD is a condition affecting the skull and the jawbone's connective tissue. Problematic joints can impact jaw functionality, causing problems like jaw pain, recurrent migraine headaches, lockjaw, chewing problems, ear pain, swelling, pain while yawning or speaking etc. To treat this condition, the best dentist in Scarborough may prescribe you a night guard to reduce the pressure directed toward your jawbone without affecting the connective tissue. 

Final note

To sum up, a custom-fitted night guard can help to deal with several dental conditions and provide maximum relief. While stock mouthguards may be uncomfortable, you should visit the best dentist in Scarborough to get a customized one for maximum comfort. They can help you customize the right fit for a comfortable experience and to get an effective result. 

Havenview Dental Centre
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