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Independent ERP Consultants Vs Software Partners

OP Scaled
Independent ERP Consultants Vs Software Partners

Choosing a Independent Consultant Group vs a Software Partner for your ERP Implementation or Digital Transformation will a question at some point. Given the fact that 55%-75% of ERP Implementations or Digital Transformations FAIL this is an important decision that can pave the roadmap for either success or failure.

Lets first define a role of a Software Partner.

The software partners role is to follow on the Software providers Implementation Methodology and aligned it to their software. How does this happen? The software providers trains and certifies the software partner on their software and the methodology as if they would train their own internal project management team. The implementation methodology must align with their methodology and the knowledge of the ERP is based on the training / certification program given from the software providers. They already have a “playbook”- Take note, that becoming a software partner does not happen easily there are a lot of companies that want to be software partners, so once a company is in (as partner) then they have to maintain the partnership every year. Already sounds biased…

Software Partners approach:

  • Follow Software Vendors Implementation Methodology – Software led vs process driven solutions
  • Of course, no two projects are the same, and being given a solution like this leads to confusion, and loss of time and money.  
  • Configure ERP based on their module training to meet functional and technical requirements – Does not rock the boat on new processes or different ways of levering the ERP
  • Only as good as their module certification(s)
  • The experts are now categorized as product experts, but some lack the business expertise
  • Will not focus or strong on change management since they are system experts
  • Customers internal IT resources are unclear on who does what? Can they help with systems, equipment, environment, processes etc…?
  • They will not work with external integrations (not within their current partnerships)
  • Be aware of software partners who sell the software, offer hosting, technical solutions development, and project management implementation services 


Lets now discuss what an Independent Consulting Group brings to the table:

  • Independent consultants lead implementations with the customers best interest. This is known as a business led approach vs software led
  • Independent consultants have an unbiased approach to implementations since they do not have to focus on meeting software partners guidelines
  • Since the ERP Implementation focus is business led, independent consultants focus on business processes and change management heavily to identify the below:
  • Process improvement opportunities
  • Changing / Process redesign 
  • ERP technology gaps with the new system
  • They will have systems integration experience and provide options if third-party applications are required
  • They act as liaisons between the software’s project management team and align the business changes with the system changes – The check and balance needed!

Choosing the right consultant for your specific project may take some thinking, as choosing the wrong consultant will lead to unwanted expenses and issues in the near future. Two different options you will find while searching for a consultant are some major implementation consultant firms, and independent consultant groups. You need someone who can develop an effective and clear implementation plan designed specifically for your organization’s project. I encourage you to search our other blogs to discover areas to look for in order to have an successful implementation.

For more information about how Scaled Solutions Group can assist you with your ERP Implementation or Digital Transformation, give us a call at (866) 957-8419 or visit us at www.Get-Scaled.com

OP Scaled
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