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What Are the Different Types of Hair Wigs?

What Are the Different Types of Hair Wigs?

A hair wig is one of the best additions to the hair world where women style the latest trend. Where people are facing hair loss or hair thinning, blading wigs are the ultimate answer for your dream to get good hair. It has a wide variety of wigs available in markets today which is according to your perfect fit and it is a little daunting. It gives the flawless, chic hairstyle representing glitz and glamour where you get the best style. 


Types Of Wigs


Lace Wigs: It is one of the most common choices and it has different wig types. This wig features a lace style which helps to adapt the colour of your scalp and need to wear it easily. The wig hair fibre can be tied individually to a sheer lace material which gives the natural look and the need to choose from lace front wigs and full lace wigs. 


Monofilament Wigs: It is quite similar to a lace wig which has individual hair fibre which is tied two the wig base and gives the mimic that naturally grows on the scalp. In this, each fibre has been tied by the hand where the wig may feature a hand-tied top or crown area. The hair wigs near me offer the different best hair wigs. It is hand-tied fibre for realistic movement. 


Combination Wigs: It is a feature machine sewn wefts where it has a combination with strategically placed hand-tied hair fibre which is a more affordable alternative to 100% hand-tied wigs. It is a combination of wigs which uses machine-sewn wefts and fills most of the space to the less visible sides. It has the most visible area where it works on top, crown, and section along the common part lines with natural effect.


Capless Wigs: It is also known as wefted, open cap, or open weft wigs where basic wigs feature machine-sewn wefts to attach to the stretchy wig cap. It can wear naturally where the snap has nee hand-tied with hair fibre and create the volume of the cap where the crown and part area are. Capless wigs are very breathable because it has spaces with elastic strips in the cap base.


Polyurethane Thin Skin Wigs: It is also known as poly, thin skin and PU skin wigs where it has a base which made the look of a natural scalp with hair go through. It has material in this type of skin where wig attachment is adhesive and easier to bond with these products, It easily matches the scalp skin tone with the natural appearance where wig hair fibre appears securely attaches with adhesive or wig tape. 

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