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The After-Care Guide for Invisalign Treatment

Smile Team
The After-Care Guide for Invisalign Treatment

In the past decade, Invisalign has become one of the most popular methods for straightening teeth. This transparent aligner is highly effective, and discreet, and can produce a perfectly aligned smile. But what occurs following the procedure?

Dental hygiene 

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial to the success of the procedure and the overall health of your smile. After the procedure, you must continue to regularly brush and cleanse your teeth. If not, it can contribute to tooth decay, periodontal disease, and damage to your newly straightened teeth. Dental examinations and cleanings also help to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

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Change in Lifestyle

Following treatment, it is advisable to modify certain lifestyle habits that can harm teeth and gums. Tobacco use, beverage consumption, and eating sugary foods can all lead to dental problems, such as tooth decay, sensitivity, and discolored or sensitive teeth. Quitting smoking, consuming a lot of water, and consuming less sugary meals will make it simpler for you to maintain your perfect smile.

Wear and tear

Even though Invisalign aligners are made from high-tech thermoplastics that are designed to withstand pressure and tension, repeated use may cause them to degrade. After the procedure, they must be maintained appropriately and cleaned frequently. When not in use, they should be kept in a secure location to prevent damage such as breaking or collapsing.


Your orthodontist will recommend retainers to maintain the correct alignment of your teeth. It is custom-made for your mouth and you could receive either a fixed or removable retainer depending on your orthodontist's recommendation. It must be worn as directed and maintained in a clean condition.

Schedule an appointment

Your orthodontist will schedule follow-up appointments with you so that they can monitor your progress and the condition of your teeth and gums after the course of treatment is complete. If there are any issues, they can be identified and resolved before they escalate.


The efficacy of Invisalign depends on both the treatment and post-treatment period. You must work with your orthodontist to ensure that your teeth remain in the correct position. Maintaining your optimal smile requires routine dental exams, good oral hygiene, the use of retainers, a change of lifestyle, and proper care of your aligners. With proper care, your smile will appear and feel its best for many years.

Smile Team
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