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direct admission in GIM Goa | Management quota in GIM Goa | Call @ 9354992359

Pratik gandhi
direct admission in GIM Goa  | Management quota in GIM Goa | Call @ 9354992359

Direct Admission in GIM Goa for MBA | GIM Goa Management Quota

In the event that you're looking for a legitimate and famous management institute for your MBA, GIM Goa may very well be the ideal fit for you. With its fantastic scholarly projects, experienced workforce, and cutting edge offices, GIM Goa has turned into a famous destination for understudies seeking a fulfilling MBA training.

In this article, we will furnish you with an outline of GIM Goa, its admission cycle, management quota seats, and school survey.

GIM Goa Outline:

 Goa Institute of Management (GIM), laid out in 1993, is one of the leading business schools in India. Situated in the core of Goa, GIM offers a beautiful grounds and a quiet learning climate. It is an independent institution supported by the AICTE and licensed by the NBA and AACSB. GIM offers a two-year, full-time, private Post Graduate Confirmation in Management (PGDM) program.

Admission Interaction:

 GIM Goa follows a thorough determination process for its MBA program. Admissions depend on a competitor's exhibition in cutthroat tests like Feline, XAT, GMAT, and CMAT, as well as their scholastic execution, work insight, and generally speaking profile. Shortlisted up-and-comers are then invited for a Composed Capacity Test (WAT) and Individual Interview (PI). The final choice depends on the applicant's general execution in these rounds.

Management Quota Seats:

GIM Goa likewise offers a management quota for a predetermined number of seats. These seats are accessible for understudies who might not have met the qualification rules through the customary admission process however are looking for admission to GIM's MBA program. The admission interaction for management quota seats follows similar measures concerning normal seats.

School Survey:

GIM Goa has gained notoriety for offering a balanced MBA program, with an emphasis on experiential learning, commonsense information, and all encompassing turn of events. The program educational plan is intended to foster management abilities through a mix of homeroom addresses, contextual investigations, bunch projects, industry visits, and internships. GIM has areas of strength for an of graduated class who are pioneers in different industries, and this organization furnishes understudies with an abundance of information and networking open doors.

The personnel at GIM includes experienced industry experts and academicians who bring an exceptional point of view to the study hall. The institute has a very much loaded library, PC labs, sports offices, and different conveniences to help understudies' general turn of events.


1.           What is the qualification models for direct admission in GIM Goa MBA program? A: Competitors should have a four year college education or identical in any discipline, with a minimum of half total imprints. Competitors appearing in the final year of their four year certification are additionally qualified to apply.

2.           What is the expense structure for GIM's MBA program? A: The charge for GIM's MBA program is roughly Rs. 17 lakhs.

3.           Does GIM offer any grants for its MBA program? A: Indeed, GIM offers grants in view of legitimacy and need. Understudies can apply for grants during the admission interaction.

4.           What is the typical situation bundle proposed to GIM graduates? A: The typical position bundle proposed to GIM graduates is roughly Rs. 10 lakhs for each annum.

5.           What are a portion of the organizations that visit GIM for grounds situations? A: A portion of the organizations that visit GIM for grounds situations include Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Aditya Birla Gathering, Amazon, and some more.


GIM Goa is a deep rooted and exceptionally respected management institute that offers a far reaching MBA program. Its magnificent scholarly norms, experienced personnel, and current offices pursue it a top decision for MBA.

Pratik gandhi
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