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QuickBooks Error Code 12157 (Step-by-Step Solution Methods)

Jake Grazer
QuickBooks Error Code 12157 (Step-by-Step Solution Methods)

Stumbled upon QuickBooks Error Code 12157 and don’t know what to do? As per the recent reports, many users have reported this error due to various reasons, such as improper installation, data connectivity issues, upgrade errors, update errors, and what not. This error code falls under the 12000 error series that occurs due to the web connectivity problems with Microsoft Win32 Internet. It should be noted that this API is used by the QuickBooks in order to swiftly access the Internet Protocols such as the FTP, HTTP, and Gopher. Many QB users find it difficult to deal with this type of error. Keeping this in mind, we have come up with this article, where we will be discussing the causes and fixes to the QuickBooks error code 12157.

Sticking to the article till the end might help the user in fixing the QuickBooks error 12157 with much ease. However, if the user wants expert assistance, then it is recommended to get in touch with our QuickBooks enterprise support team via our toll-free number i.e. +1-844-521-0490.

What is QuickBooks error 12157?

Talking about the QuickBooks error code 12157, it is a part of the error 12XXX that is usually seen due to the web connectivity issues in the windows operating system with Microsoft Win32 Internet or which is also known as WinInetAPI. Usually, QuickBooks software uses API to run the internet protocols easily mainly FTP, HTTP, and Gopher. Thus, the error 12157 usually takes place while either downloading or setting up updates with the software. Moreover, there are various other facts associated with error code 12157, which we will be exploring later in the post. So, continue reading this!

What triggers QuickBooks error 12157?

Before learning the fixes for any error, it is very important to first find out why the error actually occurred. Thus, below are the triggers to the error 12157. Let us have a look:

  1. In case the date or time on the system is incorrect.
  2. The error code 12157 can be a direct result of restrictive settings of firewall and Internet security applications.
  3. If you system has multiple QuickBooks installed, then this type issue can be encountered.
  4. Internet and security apps crop up at the time of updating the QuickBooks desktop software.
Jake Grazer
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