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Global Developmental Delay: Understanding

Tomatis Australia
Global Developmental Delay: Understanding

When a kid exhibits delays in a number of developmental domains, this is referred to as a global developmental delay, or GDD. This general phrase refers to any delay in a child's development between birth and age 18. 


These delays typically come with poor communication skills and must have persisted for at least six months. 


It is estimated that 1-3% of people have GDD. 


Global Developmental Delay Facts 


There are numerous potential causes of GDD, some of which are irreversible. They consist of: 


-birth prematurely 

-a genetic disorders like Down syndrome 

-a chromosomal disorders like Fragile X 

-thyroid function and other metabolic disorders 

-issues with vision or hearing during pregnancy or childbirth, such as excessive bleeding or a baby's lack of oxygen 

-challenges with language and speech 

-injuries to the head or meningitis, as well as other brain infections 

-persistent sickness and extended hospitalisation 


How do global developmental delay symptoms? 


Each child with GDD may manifest differently because child development is complex. Children may be behind in a variety of developmental areas. There could be delays in: 


-the evolution of language and speech 

-development of gross motor skills (crawling, walking) 

-improvement of fine motor skills (holding toys, sketching) 

-Considering, recognising, and learning 

-Social interaction and their relationships with others (friend-making) 

-emotional control 

-daily life activities (dressing and using the restroom) 


The amount of support the kid and family may require depends on the combination of delays and the severity of those delays. A kid may have to undergo a wide range of assessments while waiting for a diagnosis, including: 


-tests for hearing and vision 

-testing of speech and language 

-Behaviour assessments 

-cognitive evaluation 

-Assessment of everyday living activities 

-a blood test 

-testing for chromosomes and genes 


-a neurological exam 


For more information about global developmental delay treatment Sydney, contact Tomatis® professionals. 

Tomatis Australia
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