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Customer support options that international merchant account providers offer

Customer support options that international merchant account providers offer


International merchant account providers have to be on their toes while dealing with customers. It is vital to help businesses process their payment successfully. To keep the money transactions safe and smooth, providers take care of these things quite seriously. Following are the support options international merchant account providing companies offer to their customers.

Live Chat

Live chat is one of the fastest ways to provide customer support and facilitate troubleshooting. It comes with several features and facilities offered from the side of the merchant account provider.

·      Easy access to live chat: Yes, all account providers offer access to the live chat option. It is visible either on the customer support page or on the home page of the account provider’s website. Offering easy access is vital to help merchants operate their business confidently. In fact, online merchant account providers always mention Live Chat as their prime feature while selling their services.

·      Auto-generated questions – Whenever the customer has any trouble, usually that can be solved by asking some basic questions. Also, it has some basic questions for the usual issues. It saves time and resolves the issues faster. The chatbots today do this work quite efficiently and are developing more with advancements in technology. However, the customer support staff is still the popular option for the merchants. They can revert with more empathy.

·      Real-time assistance – As they always say, time is money and in a business, it applies one hundred percent. Imagine a merchant struggling with a slow payment processing issue during the peak hours of transactions. By taking some quick solutions to his problem through live chat, he can resolve the issue. The businesses like online casinos, can lose a huge amount in a few minutes. Imagine if the players fail to add money to their account during peak playing hours. They may even decide to switch to other gaming platforms.


Phone support

Phone support is available with all the merchant account providers. Local customer support numbers, and international toll-free numbers, all are available. It helps the customers indulge in real conversations with real people (the support staff) over calls. Phone support becomes even more important in the case of an international high risk merchant account. This service too comes with several features.

·      Phone support during business hours – Every business has its peak hours and the merchant account providers make their phone services available at that time. Some providers offer decided business hours to contact while some provide 24x7 services. The service hours always vary according to the location, business type and customer type.

·      Diverse issue resolution in real-time – Business operations present many types of challenges. International online merchant account holders need to find immediate solutions. In such a situation, if making a phone call can help them, then it’s a great help. Technical problems, issues in account set-up, solving general issues, assisting in payment processing procedures, all help is available.

·      Language support – Customers/merchants from different locations speak varied languages. Merchant account providing companies like Webpays provide multi-lingual customer support. It helps the merchants get suitable support in their language. This in turn ensures efficient business operations. When a business gets timely troubleshooting assistance, it grows faster.



Ticketing system

Ticket system is a popular method of troubleshooting. The customer can raise the ticket to demand support. In response, the customer support representative will call and solve the issue. It is always the choice of the merchant which type of option he wants to use. With the ticketing system, many other options are available. From chat to phone support account managers, all depend on the merchant’s priority. This service extends several facilities to international merchant account holders. One important thing is that the ticket system is among the most popular customer support methods.

·      Specific ticket for specific resolution – When a customer raises a ticket he describes the specificity of the issues. Along with the issue type, the account number, transaction IDs etc. are also included. It saves time and ensures speedy resolution. Many merchants prefer to use the ticket system to get a clear solution to their problems.

·      Consistent communication until resolved – The customer support staff remains in constant contact with the customers. Merchants receive notifications on their ticket status. The support team may also ask the customer to provide additional information. In simple words, consistent communication is a vital aspect of creating a ticket.

·      Detailed resolution – The ticket system scrutinizes every aspect of an issue. Whether it is about addressing a technical issue or a payment processing glitch, the support team needs to study everything. Due to such dedicated efforts, the ticketing system is considered a great help by the customers.

Round-the-clock support through all mediums

Providing customer support is a different thing and providing 24x7 customer support is another thing. The latter is more desirable and the international online merchant account providers need to take care of this concern quite seriously. Now the question comes, how do the account providing companies offer 24x7 customer support to the customers? Well, there are many ways to do the same.

·      Emergency support – Yes, it is the most important aspect of any round-the-clock service. High-risk businesses like forex brokers and online casinos may need help anytime. Even if a business is closed at night, any glitch needs to be fixed immediately. The issues like payment processing issues, and the businesses need immediate troubleshooting. It is the time when emergency support works best.

·      Service level agreements – Some merchant account providers give special assistance even outside business hours. They sign an agreement with the merchant. If an issue of a serious nature happens, immediate help reaches the merchant. Businesses like IPTV need such services usually. People who watch programs may need to subscribe or extend their subscription anytime.

·      Global presence ensures availability all the time – If a merchant account provider has a global presence, it can assist at different times. In different countries, the time difference always exists. The international merchant account providing companies easily provide support at any time.


The above ways explain that international merchant account providers offer customer support in different ways. Nowadays, advanced technology is capable of facilitating more transparency. Also, the providers can forward the help faster than ever.

Source url: https://www.apsense.com/article/customer-support-options-that-international-merchant-account-providers-offer.html




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