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Ozempic Lawsuits: Side Effects Sparks off Controversy

Ozempic Lawsuits: Side Effects Sparks off Controversy


The secret of the radiance and shine of film stars and celebrities point towards the sprinting attraction on the secret weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy, which were originally intended to treat type-2 diabetes.

Ozempic, the injectable drug to manage type-2 diabetes started creating controversies over the adverse side effects on gallbladder issues. Many people have come forward to sue the manufacturers with their Ozempic lawsuits.

Though these drugs are used for type-2 diabetes management, many use them for off-label usage as these work effectively for weight loss.

Many studies and researches have proved that the major ingredient in these drugs- semaglutide can elevate the thyroid C-cell tumors in rodents. Following this revelation the FDA has issued a black box warning for Ozempic over this.

The side effects of Ozempic include kidney failure, pancreatitis, hyopoglycemia, gall bladder issues, and changes in vision. The FDA adverse event reports on Ozempic have received 42% of event on gallbladder issues.

Without knowing the adverse side effects many use this for off-label usage that too well-known celebrities use it without analyzing the evil lurking behind. Recently, Ozempic is facing another controversy as it can cause stomach paralysis.

Ozempic makes the digestion process slow and creates a fullness in the stomach which halts the intention to have food. This is how it helps in weight loss. While it halters the digestion, it weakens the stomach muscles ending up in causing stomach paralysis.

It is in the hands of the manufacturers, physicians and the patients to restrict the adverse events. Everyone must know the possible adverse side effects of a drug before using that. To know the updates on Ozempic lawsuits, follow our blog on Ozempic lawsuits

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