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Carpet Cleaning Tips for Healthier Homes

Krishna Yadav
Carpet Cleaning Tips for Healthier Homes

Carpets play a crucial role when it comes to maintaining a healthy living space. Regular carpet cleaning eliminates the deeply seated allergens, germs, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants from your carpets providing you with a clean and hygienic living space. 

In this blog post, we will uncover some simple yet effective carpet cleaning tips for healthier homes. By following these, you can maintain cleanliness and hygiene ensuring better health of your loved ones. 

6 Expert Carpet Cleaning Tips for Healthy Homes

Start With Vacuuming

One of the best ways to keep your carpet clean and fresh is to vacuum it regularly. Vacuuming helps remove the deep-embedded dirt and dust from the fibers and prevents carpet fading. 

Depending on factors like the size of your family and the daily foot traffic, you should vacuum anywhere from 2 to 4 times a week. Go slow while vacuuming and make multiple passes in high-traffic areas to remove maximum dirt, dust, and grime.

Act-On Spills Quickly

Carpets are exposed to various spills over time. These spills not only stain your carpet but also lead to stinky smells. Moreover, food and drink spills and pet urine accidents can cause harmful germs and bacteria if not treated early.

You can prevent this by acting quickly on the stain. As soon as you see a spill, blot it quickly with an absorbent cloth. Then, apply a carpet cleaning solution to it. Wait for a few minutes, then rinse the area with cold water. Repeat if the stain persists.

Prefer Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is one of the most popular and easy methods to clean your carpet. Compared to other methods, you save time, money, and effort with the help of this method. It also uses less water, reducing the chances of mold growth. 

Moreover, the hot water kills the allergens and bacteria hidden in your carpet fibers. It reduces the possibility of diseases and makes your carpet safe for your kids and pets.

Avoid Over-wetting your carpets

Whether you are doing a routine steam cleaning or want to get rid of stains on your carpet. Never overwet the carpet. Excess moisture can cause mold growth under your carpet. This fungus can badly affect the health of your family

To avoid that, make sure you use an adequate amount of water and cleaning solution while cleaning your carpet. Moreover, dry your carpets thoroughly after cleaning. 

Invest in Periodic Professional Cleaning

The best way to keep your carpet looking great and free of health hazards is professional cleaning. Pros have experience dealing with multiple carpet problems and have the skills to tackle dirt, grime, stains, odor, and other issues.

Also, they have the right cleaning tools and supplies to remove any harmful contaminants from your carpet effectively. Experts also don’t leave any harmful residue on your carpet, making their cleaning safe and healthy for your family. Due to these reasons, you should consider getting professional cleaning at least twice a year.

Also read: Is it Worth Getting Carpets Professionally Cleaned?

Use Baking Soda For Odor

While it is easy to remove pet urine stains from your carpet, it often releases a musty odor that lingers long after you clean the stain. Baking soda is a homemade ingredient and a reliable solution to remove this unpleasant odor. 

So, apply the baking soda over the stained area on the carpet and let it sit overnight. Then, vacuum all the powder in the morning and remove it from your home.

Krishna Yadav
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