AI Products 

Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles


Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles

Capture clear and high-definition travel videos with the best Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles in the industry. All seamlessly integrated with the Yuwei remote information processing platform.

Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles

Protect Your Business with Fleet Camera Systems

Our commercial dashcams provide crucial video evidence in the event of collisions and insurance disputes, capturing clear and complete high-definition footage.

For enhanced safety and fleet security information, such as theft prevention, connect up to 4 cameras to monitor the interior, equipment, and other high-value assets.

Enhance Safety with Truck and Fleet Dashcams

Our dashcams help you minimize risks and improve driver performance by capturing hazardous events, including:

1. Mobile phone usage

2. Smoking

3. Tailgating

4. Driver fatigue

Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles

How Fleet Dashcams Work

1. The dashcam starts recording. Our Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles are powered through a wired connection to the vehicle's battery. The camera only starts recording when the vehicle engine is turned on and in motion to avoid unnecessary battery usage.

2. AI-connected sensors capture risky driving events. High-definition footage is continuously recorded while the vehicle is in motion. Infrared LEDs ensure clear video quality, and wide-angle lenses facing the road and the driver capture footage during both day and night.

3. HD recordings and alarm data are saved to the cloud. Driver journey recordings and alarm data are uploaded to the cloud, allowing fleet managers to access the videos and image data anytime.

4. Fleet managers can easily view images and videos on the Yuwei app or PC platform. You will receive notifications when there are videos available for viewing and downloading on the Yuwei software platform. View high-definition dashcam recordings and GPS data to know who the driver is, their driving speed, and their location.

Features of Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles

Our Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles come with a wide range of standard features, including:

- High-definition video: Obtain clear footage.

- Night vision and wide-angle: Clear footage that captures the entire scene - day or night.

- Cloud storage: Ability to store several hours of footage with options for streaming or downloading.

- Privacy design: Configure and customize dashcam settings to ensure privacy compliance for your fleet.

- AI capabilities: Utilize artificial intelligence and machine vision to identify dangerous and unsafe driving behaviors.

- Real-time alerts in the cabin: Enhance safety through in-cabin feedback.

- Driver coaching: Use step-by-step plans (normative coaching workflows) to drive behavior change.

- Comprehensive reporting capabilities: Quickly and clearly review and analyze key performance indicators along with remote information processing data.

Why Fleet Dash Cams are Important for Commercial Fleets?

Fleet Dash Cams for Trucks and Commercial Vehicles are crucial for commercial fleets. They can help:

• Save money for businesses by using video evidence against fraudulent claims and proving driver innocence

• Provide 360-degree operational visibility through in-cabin and external cameras.MDVR

• Identify poor driving incidents for personalized driver coaching and improved driver engagement

• Reduce the number of collisions by sending instant alerts to drivers when they deviate from lanes or get too close to other vehicles

• Utilize artificial intelligence to understand driver behaviors, such as mobile phone usage, smoking, eating, or fatigue driving.


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