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Germanium Prices, Pricing, Demand & Supply, Market Analysis | ChemAnalyst

Germanium Prices, Pricing, Demand & Supply, Market Analysis | ChemAnalyst

For the Quarter Ending June 2023

North America

The price of Germanium in the United States experienced a decline in the second quarter of 2023. This drop can be attributed to various factors, including a weakening economy and a slowdown in the automotive and semiconductor industries. In June, the US government faced an economic crisis as several banks across the country faltered, leading to a debt crisis. As a result, inflation rates soared, prompting the local government to raise interest rates to stabilize the situation. Consequently, local buyers became hesitant to place large orders. Furthermore, the decline in the semiconductor industry, coupled with decreased sales of electric vehicles, resulted in a decrease in semiconductor chip production and an increase in local inventory levels in the US spot market. The decline in the price of Germanium Ingot is expected to negatively impact the US semiconductor industry, which heavily relies on this metal. However, the long-term outlook for Germanium Ingot remains positive, as demand is expected to grow in the coming years.

Asia Pacific

The price of Germanium in India demonstrated a mixed trend during the second quarter of 2023. Several factors contributed to this, including reduced demand from the downstream semiconductor industry and deteriorating economic conditions in the US and European markets. The sluggish market conditions in the downstream semiconductor industry were a result of decreased chip demand from overseas automotive industries. The overseas automotive sector experienced a decline in vehicle sales, leading to lower chip consumption for electric vehicles. Additionally, the supply remained high due to Chinese suppliers offering large quantities at relatively lower prices, amidst anticipation for a potential ban on Germanium exports from China. Weak demand from the electronics and solar industries further dampened buyer demand. However, a recent government deal in India has provided some hope for a potential increase in the price of Germanium Ingot in the upcoming months.

Get Real Time Prices of Germanium: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/triethylaluminium-teal-1189


The price of Germanium in Germany declined in the second quarter of 2023 due to uncertain economic conditions both domestically and in overseas markets. In June, the German economy entered a recession as inflation rates continued to rise. This weakened market sentiment, prompting buyers to place large orders while prices remained low. The inventory level of Germanium remained high as Chinese mills overseas supplied excessive quantities at relatively lower prices, putting pressure on Germanium producers. Simultaneously, the downstream automotive industry experienced a decline due to weak economic factors, resulting in reduced sales of electric vehicles. Consequently, there was a decreased demand for semiconductor chips, leading to increased local Germanium inventory levels. The decline in the price of Germanium Ingot is expected to have a negative impact on the German electronics industry, which heavily relies on this metal. Despite this, the long-term outlook for Germanium remains positive, with an expected increase in demand in the coming years.

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