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Build a Crypto Exchange Platform like WazirX: Why?

Camila Jones
Build a Crypto Exchange Platform like WazirX: Why?

The popularity of cryptocurrency is unending these days. Crypto trading has evolved itself surprisingly in a short duration of time. A few years ago, only technicians were aware of its practical benefits. Nowadays most people are aware of this tremendous technology and wish to invest in cryptocurrencies.

The day would come soon when the market cap of the crypto market will outperform the entire market cap of various eminent banks in the world. According to various reports published from time to time, it has been pronounced that cryptocurrency exchange development has an unbeatable potential to navigate the whole digital market.

Blockchain is the technology that drives the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The cryptocurrency exchange like WazirX is expanding globally and it offers over 40 cryptocurrencies available for trading in all the major countries. WazirX launched a P2P trading platform that allows traders to buy and sell crypto directly from each other. It is the burgeoning popularity of WazirX that has encouraged many people across the globe to build a crypto exchange platform like WazirX.

How does the P2P exchange work?

A P2P exchange platform allows the market participants to come together to trade directly with each other. A peer to peer exchange does not match buy/sell orders. Instead, it matches the participants with complimentary needs. In a P2P exchange, the transactions are carried out by connecting people of similar interests. They process orders on their own and strike a balance over the transactions. There is no third party involvement in the procedure. However, in case of any dispute, the arbitrator comes into the role to redress the dispute.

What is WazirX?

WazirX is a peer to peer cryptocurrency exchange trading platform that allows trading of crypto assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. WazirX offers advanced trading features and a user-friendly interface. The feature of live open order book system trading of crypto assets is available in WazirX.

Read More: https://www.antiersolutions.com/build-a-crypto-exchange-platform-like-wazirx-why/

Camila Jones
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