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How Do You Pick DTF Ink?

I think it's hard to figure out how to choose the right DTF ink for your DTF printers. Many customers and friends in the printing business have been upset by this problem. Most white ink heat transfer printers use DTF white color ink, and there are also different kinds of DTF white color ink on the market. So, how do we pick the right DTF ink? Today, the DTF printer workshop at Sublistar will show you how to choose the right DTF ink for your direct-to-film printer.

There are many high-quality DTF paints to choose from:

The Direct-to-film printer ink's acidity and alkalinity. For example, when the DTF printing tools touch some metal parts of the pet film DTF printer, the metal will rust. So, we suggest that you use printer ink with a pH that is close to 7.

Check out how the DTF ink flows. Buy some sample DTF inks and put them in the air. After a month, look to see if there are any major particle problems, and then you can figure out how fluid the ink is.

Pay attention to how the DTF ink sticks to the surface. The smaller the DTF ink tension and the finer the written lines, the more fluid the ink is.

Pay close attention to how DTF inks are stored. The temperature and humidity of the room where you do your printing should be tightly controlled. The temperature inside shouldn't be lower than 18 °C. If you live in a subtropical area, you should control the room humidity after you raise the temperature. If there is too much humidity, it will be hard for DTF-printed patterns to dry, and the material will get wet quickly. This will affect how well the pattern is printed and how it is finished.

The DTF printer

The DTF film works with the great majority of inks on the market, and 100% DTF printer ink can meet all of your printing needs with no ink buildup or flow. After being ironed, the design has the feel of PU glue, which is strong and doesn't change shape. It feels softer than glue, and the top of the film is dry, so it is easy to tear it when it is hot, warm, or cold. So, the quick tearing effect is easy to get with the DTF transfer film printer.

DTF movie

There are five different kinds of DTF ink: K, C, M, Y, and W. Each one works with a different kind of tip. Also, nozzles for EPSON DX5/DX7/5113/4720/XP600/i3200 can be used with a DTF printer. DTF ink also has bright colors, a high concentration of ink, and a cleaning degree that can go up to 4 degrees. And the direct-to-film ink is white and strong enough to cover. But there are some things you need to pay attention to: please shake well before using. It is recommended to add more shaking to equipment that hasn't been used for a long time so that it doesn't get rusty. Almost any kind of cloth can be printed on with DTF transfer film. Both white and dark fabrics can be used with DTF transfer films. And there is no need to treat the paper before printing. So, the direct-to-film printer is often used to make unique pieces of clothing like T-shirts, hats, bags, lanyards, shoes, and more. It can also be used to make sportswear, bike gear, and other items that will help you stand out on the sports field.

DTF pen

The answer for the DTF printer is to print color and white paint ink on the heat transfer film and use the powder dusting process to make textile heat transfer. The process is easy because there is no drilling or dumping of trash. The Sublistar DTF printer is mostly made up of heat transfer printers, tools that print with powder, and ironing machines. The total cost of the answer is low, and it doesn't require a lot of money to get started. It is the best way to get a big return on a small investment.




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