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Odoo Project Management Software

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Odoo Project Management Software

Managing tasks, scheduling manpower, and monitoring day-to-day activities are a few of many activities that project managers are obsessed with. This ultimately underpins the requirement of having an integrated tool that can supplement the decision-making related to several aspects of the project.

Odoo Project Management software happens to be a high-performing software utility that can address all requirements related to managing and controlling the process flow in the entire project management. So, just have a quick glance over this detailed guide that embodies several enabling and value adding features of Odoo Project Management Module.

Creating New Projects Via an Interactive Project Management Dashboard

The foremost functionality in the form of Odoo Project Management System is an efficient implementation that has numerous value-added features.

Ranging from creating projects to managing timesheets to handling online worksheets that are displayed in the contemporary Kanban-view format ultimately providing a solid thrust to integrating project-related aspects efficiently.

Assigning Tasks Simply Made Easy

In a project, multiple, discrete, and connected tasks are required to be recorded, edited, and managed in a way so as to make available real-time input to the process owners.

Expediting this core requirement is easily facilitated by the Odoo Project Management System which has a benchmarked task assignment validation tool to make the process of assigning tasks in a given project a valuable asset in the entire project management drive.

Monitoring Tasks Stages Truly Exhibit the Value of Odoo Project Management Application

Creating customized tasks by adding columns in accordance with the nature of tasks adds to the impetus of the Odoo Task Management functionality.

The key parameters include setting a new relevant title for the task, updating the “Assigned To” field, recording the deadline to complete the task along with adding descriptions and tags to the task.

Rearranging Task Stages is Made Possible

Owing to the very nature of project management, tasks are required to be assigned, modified, and substituted every now and then.

This calls for having a module that helps functional managers optimize resources for the organization. Odoo Project Management module can easily serve this purpose as its Project Management Module caters to every related aspect of effective task management.

Planning Employee Resources and Tasks is Seamless in the Odoo Project Management Tool

Odoo Project Management System makes adequate provision for planning and monitoring employee tasks by making available a comprehensive time management panel involving estimation for discrete tasks.

Another unique feature of Odoo Project Management Applications is the Progress Bar which is updated with the completion of every key event on the basis of initially fixed planned time consumption for each task.

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